Jury finds Colorado trucker guilty of vehicular homicide in 2022 crash

A jury in Weld County, Colorado, has found a Colorado truck driver guilty of five counts of vehicular homicide stemming from a 2022 crash that killed a Wyoming family of five that was traveling home from a birthday celebration.

The jury also found Jesus Puebla, 27, of Denver, guilty Wednesday of careless driving, reckless driving, vehicular assault, a commercial vehicle safety violation and driving without a CDL.

In June 2022, Puebla, who was driving a 1999 Kenworth T800 straight truck, was...


El Servicio Postal rompe su contrato con una empresa de transporte de California 

El Servicio Postal de EE.UU. está cancelando su contrato de correo con una empresa de camiones con sede en California con un historial de violaciones de seguridad y los conductores que estuvieron involucrados en dos accidentes mortales en los últimos dos años. 

“El Servicio Postal ha revisado la asociación con Caminante[s] Trucking y ha decidido poner fin a la relación contractual”, afirma un comunicado enviado a FreightWaves.  

El portavoz del Servicio Postal dijo que Caminantes fue notificado...


Postal Service severing mail contract with California trucking company

The U.S. Postal Service is canceling its mail contract with a California-based trucking company with a history of safety violations and drivers who were involved in two fatal crashes in the past two years.

“The Postal Service reviewed the association with Caminante[s] Trucking and chose to end the contractual relationship,” a statement to FreightWaves said. 

The Postal Service spokesperson said Caminantes was notified last Friday about the decision to cut ties with the mail carrier and the...


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