Asia-US spot rates spiked by rush to fill ships to beat trade war tariffs

The Asia to the US east coast component of the Shanghai Containerised Freight Index (SCFI) has continued to gain traction.
This week it added 3.5% to reach $3,739 per 40ft, on strong demand fundamentals.
Spiked by the rush to beat 25% tariffs to be levied on a range of consumer imports to the US from China on 1 January, carriers are running full ships and therefore able to secure premium rates for …

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CMA CGM, A.P. Moller – Maersk, Hapag-Lloyd, MSC and ONE Plan To Establish Container Shipping Association


Five container shipping companies intend to create an association with the purpose of paving the way for digitalization, standardization and interoperability in the container shipping industry.

IT executives from CMA CGM, A.P. Moller – Maersk, Hapag-Lloyd, MSC and Ocean Network Express are currently discussing the creation of common information technology standards which shall be openly available and free of charge for all stakeholders of the wider container shipping industry.

“It’s in the...

Top container shipping companies consider new association to drive digitalization

Five of the largest container shipping companies, MSC, Maersk, CMA CGM, Hapag-Lloyd, and Ocean Network Express, are planning to establish an association to pave the way for digitalization, standardization and interoperability of the container shipping industry.

IT executives from these companies are currently discussing the creation of common information technology standards which will be openly available and free of charge for all stakeholders of the container shipping industry.

The association...

Maersk: Container industry to be hit by trade war

US importers are stocking up on Chinese goods before the import tariffs apply, Maersk informed. However, it warned that a trade war would damage demand for container shipping in the future.

Namely, according to Maersk, imports into the US from China increased 5 to 10% in the third quarter, while companies such as Walmart and Home Depot built up inventories to prevent new import tariffs.

As Maersk’s Chief Executive, Soren Skou, said it is ironic that after President Trump announced the tariffs,...

Major box carriers to launch association to harmonise digitalisation in shipping

Shipping lines from each of the alliances have formed an association in a bid to develop “digitalisation, standardisation and interoperability”.
The move follows last week’s announcement of a joint blockchain platform comprising the Ocean Alliance and Yang Ming from THE Alliance, which triggered questions as to how the industry would standardise, given Maersk’s involvement with rival platform TradeLens.
But while all the alliances are represented in the new association, it includes only Maersk,...

Las navieras líderes se unen para impulsar la digitalización del transporte de contenedores

Cinco de las navieras líderes en el transporte marítimo de contenedores han anunciado este jueves el establecimiento de un acuerdo para promover la digitalización. La alianza de Maersk, CMA CGM, Hapag-Lloyd, MSC y Ocean Network Express (ONE) parte con el objetivo de “establecer una asociación de transporte de contenedores con el fin de allanar el camino para la digitalización, estandarización e interoperabilidad en la industria del transporte de contenedores”, señala el comunicado emitido por...

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