MEPC 81: A global carbon tax on shipping is getting closer

As IMO’s MEPC 81 was going on in London last week, ABS Chairman and CEO Christopher J. Wiernicki was telling a session of the CERAWeek energy conference in Houston that a universal, global carbon tax on shipping is coming, as alternative blue fuels made with carbon capture emerge as a critical step in the energy transition at sea.

“We need to recognize that there is an intermediate step in the energy transition,” he said. “Last year the conversations were focused on going from oil to a green...

IMO releases updated analysis of MARPOL Annex VI

Pictured: the concept of environmentally-friendly, or green-shipping. The image shows a chemical tanker. Photo credit: Shaah Shahidh via Unsplash.

By the International Maritime Organization

The IMO-Norway GreenVoyage2050 Project has released an updated version of its popular clause-by-clause analysis of MARPOL Annex VI, which addresses air pollution from ships, in the six official IMO languages. The document provides a breakdown explanation of each regulation and it is intended to be a useful...

Propeller Boss Cap Fins technology to play a pivotal role in enhancing vessel EEXI

Propeller Boss Cap Fins technology to play a pivotal role in enhancing vessel EEXI

Hybridization of PBCF with Rudderbulb and Pre-swirl Fins

LONDON – February 15, 2021: MOL Techno-Trade Ltd have reported that interest in propeller boss cap fins (PBCF) technology has increased in the wake of IMO approving amendments to MARPOL Annex VI at MEPC 75 in November 2020 to introduce an Energy Efficiency Design Index for existing ships (EEXI).

The goal of the EEXI is to reduce the carbon intensity of...

IMO Reached A Compromise on GHG Measures, Says IBIA

The 75th session of the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee was heavily dominated by discussion about the adequacy of steps to deliver greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction policies. The outcomes were a compromise, which inevitably means that few were completely satisfied, says the IBIA guide on IMO’s GHG measures

Compromise & Review

A package of measures (see point 2 below) that was up for approval at MEPC 75 had already been discussed at length in October during an intersessional GHG...

IMO 75 Regulatory Updates After a 5 Day Meeting

The Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC) of the International Maritime Organization  (IMO) met remotely over the week of November 16th to 20th.

We provide below a short summary of some of the important points covered.

We will be discussing these topics in detail in follow-up  technical updates. We are rushing this to you for your immediate information.

All these valuable updates are based on a recent article published in DNVGL.

The following amendments were adopted. 



Argentina – MARPOL ANNEX VI – Latest Developments on Domestic Implementation

Argentina – MARPOL ANNEX VI – Latest Developments on Domestic Implementation

Argentina – Marpol Annex VI 

Suspension of Validity of Argentine Regulation Banning Discharge of Wash Waters from Open Loop Scrubbers into National Waters

Dear Friends and Colleagues.

We hope this message finds you well and healthy.

On this occasion, we contact you to inform that, on September 24th, 2020, Prefectura Naval Argentina issued Resolution DISFC-2020-22-APN-DPAM#PNA that suspends the enforcement of Resolution...

Shippers Urged To Follow Local Restrictions Before Discharging Washwater

  • IMO considers exhaust gas scrubbers to reduce vessels’ sulphur emissions.
  • It specifies requirements for verification, testing, survey, and certification of scrubber systems.
  • It also sets out the criteria for discharging scrubber wash water into the sea.
  • Vessel operators have two options to choose to ensure compliance with the sulphur limits.
  • They can switch to a closed-loop scrubber or compliant fuels.
  • The vessels must maintain proper records of such a changeover.

According to an article...

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