Amazon ditching plans to monitor delivery drivers for mask wearing

Amazon will not monitor drivers for mask wearing

Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) has dropped plans to use in-vehicle cameras to record which delivery service provider (DSP) drivers are wearing masks. The company is deploying Netradyne’s Driveri camera system to Amazon-branded vehicles.

The Information was first to report the news.

The announcement follows a letter earlier this month from five U.S. senators, including Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos questioning the e-commerce giant on its plans...

COVID19 Vaccinations To Start by Nov-Dec As Winter Nears

Fauci cautions that a Covid-19 vaccine won't eliminate the need for masks and public health measures

According to a CNN report, Covid-19 vaccinations could start as early as November or December, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert, said Friday.

Fauci’s comments come as the US passed 7 million confirmed cases of Covid-19, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. More than 203,000 people have died.

Despite the prediction, Fauci says it could still be a while until everything returns to pre-Covid normalcy.

Return To Normalcy By 2021 Third Quarter
“By the time...

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