Russian Navy Pulls Warships from Black Sea into Port After Attacks

H I Sutton Photo Illustration for USNI News

The Russian Navy still outnumbers and outguns the Ukrainians in the northern Black Sea. Despite the dominance on paper, the Russian Navy is on its back foot after several successful attacks from the smaller Ukrainian forces.

The Oct. 29 attack on Sevastopol, in which uncrewed surface vessels (USVs) with unmanned aerial vehicles attacked Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, appears to have pushed them further into the shell of their naval bases. Both of their...

Trained Russian Navy Dolphins are Protecting Black Sea Naval Base, Satellite Photos Show

H I Sutton Illustration for USNI News

Russia has deployed trained dolphins during its invasion of Ukraine to protect a Black Sea naval base, USNI News has learned.

The Russian Navy has placed two dolphin pens at the entrance to Sevastopol harbor, sheltered just inside a sea wall. The pens were moved there in February, around the time of the invasion of Ukraine, according to a review of satellite imagery.

Sevastopol is the Russian Navy’s most significant naval base in the Black Sea. The dolphins...

New Evidence Suggests North Korea has a Naval Marine Mammal Program

HI Sutton Image Used with Permission

Evidence is emerging that the North Korean regime is training dolphins for military purposes, according to new satellite imagery.

While the U.S. Navy pioneered the training of dolphins and other marine mammals for naval purposes and has a program based in San Diego, it’s not a capability most navies can afford. To date, only the Russian Navy, with bases in the Arctic and Black Sea, has followed suit. 

Based on image intelligence, North Korea’s program dates...

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