Diesel distancing propels alternative fuel options

Renewable natural gas, battery-electric and hydrogen-powered trucks all target fleets switching from diesel ahead of coming regulations requiring costly additional emissions after-treatment. Which alternative will win? Possibly all of them.

Vouchers make first Nikola fuel cell trucks ‘cheaper than a diesel’

Back in 2018, Anheuser-Busch placed an initial order for up to 800 Nikola fuel cell trucks. Ever so slowly, that is becoming a reality.

After numerous missteps and setbacks, Nikola produced 42...


Electric trucks find a sweet spot with inbound logistics

Using electric trucks for short, repeatable trips to assembly plants is expanding as more OEMs require suppliers to shush the noise and eliminate the diesel exhaust that accompany delivering incoming parts and components.

How did inbound logistics become a thing in an industry where change most often meets resistance? For their own reasons, stakeholders from sustainability-conscious shippers to regulators and OEMs like inbound logistics as a use case for electric trucks.

Was this newsletter...


Hydrogen’s newsy week skips over underlying  challenges

News releases this week about Nikola’s fourth energy division president in less than two years, the company’s first Hyla-branded modular hydrogen fueler for fuel cell trucks, and Hyzon Motors’ development agreement for fuel cell refuse trucks skirted some underlying issues.

Nikola touted the ability to serve up to 40 Class 8 trucks a day with about 50 kilograms of hydrogen. It’s enough to get a zero-emissions truck from Southern to Northern California — about 400 miles depending on the...


The Whac-A-Mole reality of autonomous trucking regulations

If you thought last year’s veto of a Teamsters-backed ban on heavy-duty autonomous trucking in California put the issue to rest, think again. While 23 states allow at least testing of driverless trucking, emerging challenges resemble the arcade game Whac-A-Mole.

Early-stage commercialized driverless trucking on Interstate 45 in Texas looks likely later this year. The state embraced the technology in 2017. Yet a move to stop driver-out operations percolated in the Texas Legislature last year.



Megawatt grants electrify truck charging corridors

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Startup electric truck infrastructure developer WattEV won’t say how much money it has raised from...


No signs of panic as Nikola gets 2nd Nasdaq delisting warning

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Nikola Corp.’s languishing share price prompted the Nasdaq to threaten the electric truck maker with...


Could shuttered power plants become electric truck charging sites?

googletag.cmd.push(function() { var gptSlot = googletag.defineSlot(‘/21776187881/FW-Responsive-Main_Content-Slot1’, [[728, 90], [468, 60], [300, 100], [320, 50]], ‘div-gpt-ad-b1-i-fw-ad-1’).defineSizeMapping(gptSizeMaps.banner1).setCollapseEmptyDiv(true).addService(googletag.pubads());

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Where will all the power come from to charge the electric trucks expected to someday dominate the...


Hydrogen rises at CES

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In an event ruled by battery-electric trucks, hydrogen made a splash at the Advanced Clean...


Electric trucks should shake off setbacks in 2024

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Meaningful volume growth eluded heavy-duty electric trucks last year for several reasons: Charging...


Exclusive: Nikola CEO Girsky upbeat despite myriad challenges

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In his career as a Wall Street analyst, an adviser to the United Auto Workers and a vice chairman of...


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