Intermodal truckers secure win against ocean carriers

WASHINGTON — Intermodal truck drivers and their companies operating in four U.S. geographical regions may soon have more choices among providers of the chassis they use to haul ocean containers to and from ports and container yards.

Erin Wirth, Federal Maritime Commission chief administrative law judge, issued an initial decision on Monday. Wirth ruled, among other things, that exclusive agreements between ocean carriers and chassis providers violate the U.S. Shipping Act when a motor carrier is...

Federal panel recommends military drivers help clear ports

A federal advisory committee is recommending that the Biden administration work out a plan to give voluntary and paid truck driving jobs to active military, veterans and National Guardsmen to clear cargo containers from congested ports.

The recommendation, part of several made earlier this week by the Advisory Committee on Supply Chain Competitiveness (ACSCC) to address the ongoing freight supply chain crisis, adds to growing pressure on federal agencies to take more decisive action.

ACSCC, a...

How truckers can avoid a bad dray day

chassis pool

Pick a poorly maintained container chassis or the wrong one from a pool, and you are in for a bad dray day.

Stacked DCLI container chassis (Photo: DCLI)

American Shipper recently discussed this important topic for drayage truckers with Phil Wolfe, vice president of international sales for DCLI, the nation’s largest provider of intermodal chassis.  

Many draymen retrieve their chassis from bustling pools located next to large container ports. However, no two chassis are alike — they vary by...

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