Grounded expedition ship pulled free

Ship that pulled grounded expedition ship free

Passengers and crew aboard the grounded expedition ship Ocean Explorer did not, after all, have to wait for the Danish inspection ship Knud Rasmussen to arrive to free the vessel from the Greeland fjord where it had been grounded since Monday. Yesterday, the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources’ fisheries research vessel Tarajoq made a second, successful, attempt and pulled the cruise vessel free.

The 104-meter long, ice class PC6, expedition cruise ship has 206 people on board. All are...

Attempts to free grounded Ocean Explorer remain unsuccessful

In a reminder that those who sign up for “adventure cruises” don’t always get the sort of adventures they expect, the 104-meter long, ice class PC6, expedition cruise ship Ocean Explorer today remained grounded in a Greenland fjord 660 kilometers north of the Arctic Circle. There are 206 people on board. All are reported safe.

The vessel grounded Monday afternoon on what Danish Defense describes as sand and mud. Since then the vessel has made several unsuccessful attempts to free itself. The...

AWARDS 2020 | Best Large Tourist Vessel – Ocean Explorer – One2Three Naval Architects and Commercial Marine Australia/Wildcat Marine

Best Large Tourist Vessel – Ocean Explorer – One2Three Naval Architects and Commercial Marine Australia/Wildcat Marine Built for Hamilton Island-based Explore Group, ..

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