IMCA And Industry Group Target Governments On Global Basis On Behalf Of Offshore Workers

offshore drilling

The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) continues to play a key role in an Industry Group lobbying governments and maritime authorities on a global basis to gain the support of an IMO a recommendation for authorities to facilitate the movement of offshore energy sector personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The group comprising IADC, IAGC, IMCA, IOGP and ISOA, gained support from the IMO in early May and have now formally written to more than fifty governments and maritime...

A List of Unique and Interesting Marine Careers

Fancy a career in the sea? Are you one of those who find a job that allows them to stay close to waters fascinating? Do you wish to be able to make your love for the thrill of the ocean into a profession? Well, then the answers for you are simpler and the good news is you don’t have to be a mariner discovering new lands or a pirate to be able to enjoy marine careers. The options in maritime careers today are immense. As long as you have a passion for this line of work, you can expect to find...

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