First hybrid rig for low emission drilling offshore Norway

Aiming to open route for low-emission drilling on conventionally powered offshore rigs, Maersk Drilling announced it is entering a series of upgrades to convert its jack-up rig ‘Maersk Intrepid’ to a hybrid rig with low levels of NOx emissions, adding data intelligence to further reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

In this way, the company aims to set a new technological standard for low-emission drilling on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

The upgrades are being carried out in...

Subsea system provided to Barossa’s project

ConocoPhillips Australia, as operator of the Barossa joint venture, has awarded the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract for the Barossa project to Technip Oceania (TFMC). According to the contract, Technip Oceania will supply the Subsea Production System (SPS) and associated SPS installation support.

For the time being, the Barossa offshore gas and light project is in the front-end engineering design (FEED) phase.

Barossa will provide a new source of gas to the existing...

Frenchman Crosses The Atlantic Ocean In An Orange Barrel At 72 Years Young

When you are presented with the idea of ​​travelling across the Atlantic in a giant orange barrel, most people may have questions. Like, for example, “Why?”

But for Jean-Jacques Savin, a former paratrooper and military pilot who has just completed the trip to the Canary Islands (off the coast of Morocco) to a Caribbean island. It is easy to answer the question: to prove that man can survive the journey.

Savin was inspired by his compatriot Alain Bombard who, in 1952, proved that it was possible...

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