241 Kshitij Parashar, Program Lead of Cargo Visibility, Digital Container Shipping Association, DCSA

Continuous visibility into container whereabouts

This episode is sponsored by the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA). Learn more about their efforts in shaping the digital future of container shipping at https://www.dcsa.org/ 

In this episode, we dive into the digital transformation of the container shipping industry with insights from the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA)
Kshitij Parashar is the lead of the digital container shipping association’s program for cargo...


Partnership with Maersk will help Hapag double down on its sustainability targets, Jansen says

Yesterday, container shipping heavyweights Hapag-Lloyd and Maersk made waves in the liner shipping industry […]

The post Partnership with Maersk will help Hapag double down on its sustainability targets, Jansen says appeared first on Offshore Energy.


Leveraging technology to build reliability and same-day delivery at scale

Changes in consumer demand paired with global supply chain disruptions present a unique challenge for businesses. Consumers expect increasingly faster delivery and companies of all sizes must compete for their attention.

Businesses often struggle to create ultra-reliable final-mile solutions without stringing together regional partners or managing a fleet of their own — both costly in time and overhead.

Amazon’s recent growth of its same-day delivery services and Walmart’s expansion of its online...


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