Jamaica takes steps to enable crew changes and repatriations

Jamaica takes steps to enable crew changes and repatriations

In order to enable crew changes, the Government of Jamaica (GOJ) has listed seafarers among the class of “essential workers” under its Disaster Risk Management Act and has put in place measures to speed up the transit of registered seafarers through its borders.

An estimated 600,000 seafarers are waiting for crew changes – 300,000 on vessels and 300,000 waiting to embark – according to the International Transport Workers Federation...


Repatriations are possible but challenging says crew specialist

Roger Storey, Managing Director, CF Sharp Crew Management Inc.

Repatriations are possible but challenging says crew specialist

As the cruise industry remains paralysed by the global effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and with crew repatriations at the forefront of current shipping industry concerns, a Far East crewing specialist is leading the way – bringing home more than 9,000 crew members over the past three months, with some 1,000 others due back soon .

Singapore and Manila-based CF Sharp Crew...


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