Running on Ice: Cool investments

Hello, and welcome to the coolest community in freight! Here you’ll find the latest information on warehouse news, tech developments and all things reefer madness-related. I’m your controller of the thermostat, Mary O’Connell. Thanks for having me!

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Source: Ember news release

Carrier Global Corp., a global provider of intelligent building and cold chain solutions, has invested in Ember LifeSciences, a pharmaceutical cold chain. Ember LifeSciences is a spinoff of Ember Technologies....

Running on Ice: Vegan goes cold

Hello, and welcome to the coolest community in freight! Here you’ll find the latest information on warehouse news, tech developments and all things reefer madness-related. I’m your controller of the thermostat, Mary O’Connell. Thanks for having me!

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LaneAxis News Release

Big things are happening in the land of partnerships and agreements. LaneAxis, the first direct freight network built on blockchain, is partnering with GTFO It’s Vegan. Their deal is building a network of carriers...

Running on Ice: Georgia expanding cold storage capacity

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Hello, and welcome to the coolest community in freight! Here you’ll find the latest information on...

Running on Ice: Florida makes headlines again

Hello, and welcome to the coolest community in freight! Here you’ll find the latest information on warehouse news, tech developments and all things reefer madness-related. I’m your controller of the thermostat, Mary O’Connell. Thanks for having me!

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Jim Allen/FreightWaves

Whether you believe that reefer units are smart depends on who you ask. Just kidding. If a fridge can have internet and bluetooth attached to it, a reefer unit can have some sort of “smart” component to it. So...

Running on Ice: Partnerships changing the game

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The leader in perishable risk management, Parsyl, has combined forces with the MVP in cold storage solutions, Lineage Logistics. Current customers who use Lineage for cold storage are estimated to spend more than $500 million a year on cargo insurance. The partnership with Parsyl aims to cut those costs significantly by creating tailored insurance coverage based on customers’ specific needs. 

This partnership is going to do more than just cut insurance costs for customers....

Running on Ice: New products and facilities, oh my!

Hello and welcome to the coolest community in freight! Here you’ll find the latest information on warehouse news, tech developments and all things reefer madness-related. I’m the controller of the thermostat, Mary O’Connell. Thanks for having me!

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Jim Allen/FreightWaves

CSafe, the largest provider of a complete range of active and passive temperature-controlled shipping solutions for the pharmaceutical industry, announced the launch of its TracSafe line of real-time data loggers and...

Running on Ice: Acquisitions in Florida saving citrus trees

Hello, and welcome to the coolest community in freight! Here you’ll find the latest information on warehouse news, tech developments and all things reefer madness-related. I’m your new controller of the thermostat, Mary O’Connell. Thanks for having me!

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Jim Allen/FreightWaves

IMG Citrus, a fresh citrus company, has acquired J&J Fresh Produce in Vero Beach, Florida. This purchase includes a new 185,000-square-foot cold storage and packaging facility and 1,000 acres of farmland. We’re...

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