Monaco: Health Pass stays…

Monaco: Health Pass stays…

Good Morning Monaco

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Health Pass stays, some other rules relaxed
Certain regulations relating to coronavirus will be lifted from Monday, February 28, the Monaco Government announced late on Friday, February 25… 

Monaco pandemic update: Only 5 residents in hospital
Monaco’s health authorities reported 28 new positive tests for coronavirus on Friday, February 25. Forty-five residents were declared fully-recovered…

Zhang Zhang: Music is a powerful...

The BDI@2,076, Dirties up at 1,147 whilst Ukrainian chaos begins to shake Planet Ocean …and with Covid still around…

The BDI@2,076, Dirties up at 1,147 whilst Ukrainian chaos begins to shake Planet Ocean …and with Covid still around…

John Faraclas – picture by ecopack77

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) was down 111 points since yesterday and now stands at 2076. On a weekly though basis the BDI was up 112 points from 1,964p. Dirties advance; a good sign or a tempo rise… The despicable situation in Ukraine continues and the West must not just impose the toughest of sanctions but go even beyond before it’s too late....

No easy ride for Putin

No easy ride for Putin

Monaco; the marina and at the centre the Yacht Club de Monaco
Good Morning Monaco

Friday, February 25, 2022

No easy ride for Putin following Ukraine attack
UKRAINE NEWS ROUND-UP Updated 00:01 February 25: Ukrainians put up fierce resistance in the face of overwhelming odds on Thursday, February 24, the first day… 

Putin threatens nuclear response and hypersonic weapons
A belligerent and rambling Putin on Thursday warned other states not to interfere following his invasion of...

The BDI falls, Dirties unexpected rise; despicable mess and hype by all on Ukraine whilst …Covid still around..

The BDI falls, Dirties unexpected rise; despicable mess and hype by all on Ukraine whilst …Covid still around..

John Faraclas

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) lost 57 points as well as the 2,200 threshold and now stands at 2,187.Unexpected rise in Dirties with the BDTI up 179 points at 904. Hype and theatre of the absurd in Ukraine with Russian Forces smashing local defences in all fronts; a big surprise or a copy of the Afghan Army’s collapse? Something more than dubious happened. The Covid-19...

Look ahead to FTSE 350, other companies reporting & economic events from 28 February to 4 March

Look ahead to FTSE 350, other companies reporting & economic events from 28 February to 4 March

  • We expect to see a continuation of positive trends at ABF
  • easyJet on a flight line for promotion to FTSE 100 but Royal Mail could fall out of the top flight
  • The Restaurant Group and Clipper Logistics set for FTSE 250 promotion, while Cineworld and Capita look set to leave FTSE 250
  • Spotlight on Polymetal International given the impact of Russia sanctions
  • Persimmon’s results should provide a...

Why the West may sanction Russian Shipping Companies before it sanctions Oil & Gas

Why the West may sanction Russian Shipping Companies before it sanctions Oil & Gas

Vivek Srivastava, Senior Trade Analyst at VesselsValue.

Commentary from Vivek Srivastava, Senior Trade Analyst at VesselsValue.

The outbreak of war in Eastern Ukraine has raised fears about the impact of further sanctions on global energy markets, coupled with the UK Prime Minister’s announcement today of “a massive package of economic sanctions” to come. 
As far as the Shipping industry is concerned, so far, only...

Moscow’s bullying tactics have turned into a full scale assault causing shockwaves across the world’s financial markets

Moscow’s bullying tactics have turned into a full scale assault causing shockwaves across the world’s financial markets

Susannah Streeter

24 February 2022

Susannah Streeter, senior investment and markets analyst, Hargreaves Lansdown

‘Moscow’s bullying tactics have turned into a full scale assault, with Ukraine’s worst fears materialised as Russian forces have begun a major attack on the country. This is a devastating turn of events for citizens in Ukraine who had waited in vain for a diplomatic...

Monaco: Excellent news on hospital numbers

Monaco: Excellent news on hospital numbers

Good Morning Monaco

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Excellent news on hospital numbers
After extensive testing following a return to school on Monday, it appears that the number of positive coronavirus cases in Monaco is not exploding… 

France tells nationals to leave Ukraine ‘without delay’
After Ukraine declared a state of emergency on Wednesday and Moscow said separatists in the east had asked for help to repel “aggression,” the French foreign ministry told...

BDI@2,244; mini dry euphoria continues… Wets ups and downs… Expect developments in Ukraine… Covid remains the same

BDI@2,244; mini dry euphoria continues… Wets ups and downs… Expect developments in Ukraine… Covid remains the same

John Faraclas

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index)  gained 94 points since yesterday surpassing the 2,200 points threshold and now reads 2,244. Wonder what’s happening with the ups and downs in the Wets. War is inevitable in Ukraine. Add Covid’s uncertainty and see what you get. John Faraclas’ brief recap:

The Capes’ BCI was up 177 points surpassing the 2,200 point threshold and now stands at...

Ukraine – Russia: what it means for the market

Ukraine – Russia: what it means for the market

Steve Clayton, HL Select Fund Manager
  • Oil price up 2.7% to almost $98 a barrel
  • How sectors would be affected if conflict escalates

As the Ukraine-Russia crisis gains momentum, Steve Clayton, HL Select Fund Manager, looks at what it means for the market and which stocks to consider and avoid.

“Russian troops have not massed along the Ukrainian border in order to hold a cake sale. However this unfolds, tensions and uncertainties are likely to run hot...

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