VESSEL REVIEW | Kapitan Egorov – Russian crab boat designed for Far East waters

Kapitan Egorov, the Russian Crab Group of Companies' newest crab catching vessel

The Russian Crab Group of Companies recently took delivery of a new crab fishing vessel built locally by Onega Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Plant. Kapitan Egorov was designed for operation in unrestricted navigation areas, allowing it to haul up to 120 tonnes of live crab over long distances. Long...

Survey boat handed over to Russian waterway authority

Gorlitsa, a new river survey boat delivered to Russian waterway authority Rechvodput

Russian shipyard Nefteflot, through its Samara Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Plant division, has delivered a new shallow-draught workboat to local inland waterway transport agency Rechvodput. Gorlitsa belongs to the Project RDB 66.62 series of vessels that are designed for performing surveys of both...

Emergency Service Vessel News Roundup | February 16 – Norwegian ambulance catamarans, Saudi fireboat orders and more

Deliveries include a rescue boat for an Australian volunteer organisation, a firefighting launch for a government operator in the US state of Virginia, and two ambulance boats for a Norwegian shipping company. A Russian rescue and patrol vessel is unveiled for the first time. Finally, a Saudi customer places orders for new fireboats to be […]

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VESSEL REVIEW | Kedon – Russian crabber with secondary longlining capability

Khabarovsk Shipbuilding Plant, a division of Russia’s state-owned United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC), has handed over a new crab fishing vessel to Russian fishing company Mag-Sea International. Named Kedon after a river in Magadan Oblast in Russia’s Far East, the newbuild is the second of two...

VESSEL REFIT | Akademik Nikolay Strakhov – Upgrade completed on Russian ocean research vessel

An ocean research vessel owned by the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and operated by the academy’s Shirshov Institute of Oceanology (IO) has completed undergoing a modernisation program to extend its service life by another 10 to 15 years. The refit on the 1985-built Akademik Nikolay Strakhov...

VESSEL REVIEW | Mekhanik Sizov – Trawler/processor designed for Russian Far East waters

Russia’s Admiralty Shipyards, a division of United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC), has delivered a new trawler to the Russian Fishery Company (RRPK). Mekhanik Sizov is the third in the Project ST192 series of all-steel trawlers developed jointly by Russia’s Marine Engineering Bureau and Norwegian naval architecture firm Skipsteknisk in compliance to Russian Maritime Register of Shipping […]

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Fishing Vessel News Roundup | September 26 – Norwegian hybrid wellboat, Russian crabber/shrimper and more

Deliveries include an ice-capable crab boat for Russia, a Finnish-built net fishing vessel, and a hybrid wellboat for a Norwegian owner. An Australian fishing company has meanwhile placed an order for a longliner designed to catch toothfish in the Southern Ocean. Finnish builder delivers net...

VESSEL REVIEW | Kapitan Aleksandrov – New crab boat to operate in Russia’s Far East

Russia’s Onega Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Plant has handed over the first in a new series of fishing vessels ordered by the Russian Crab Group of Companies. Classed by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, Kapitan Aleksandrov is named in honour of Georgiy Ivanovich Aleksandrov, a Soviet...

VESSEL REVIEW | Vaigach – First in new series of Russian Barents Sea crab boats

Russian shipbuilder Krasnoye Sormovo has completed construction of a new crab fishing vessel ordered by local operator the North-Western Fishing Consortium. Vaigach is the first to be built under the five-strong Project KSP01 series designed by the Marine Engineering Bureau in accordance to Russian Maritime Register of Shipping rules covering operation in the Barents Sea. […]

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VESSEL REVIEW | Fort Pyetr I – Inner city tour and commuter shuttle delivered to Russian owner

Russia’s Sredne-Nevsky Shipbuilding Plant has handed over a new fast catamaran ferry ordered by local customer State Transport Leasing Company (STLC) for operation by Saint Petersburg-based Neva Travel Company. Like its Project 04580 sister vessels, Fort Pyetr I (“Fort Peter I”) was designed by local engineering company Forss Technology in compliance to Russian Maritime Register […]

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