MCTC’s Conference Reveals The Health Factors Of Seafarers Caused By Poor Nutrition

According to an article published in Splash247, MCTC’s recent health and nutrition conference discusses the poor nutrition health in seafarers.

MCTC’s Virtual Conference

Poor nutrition is not about how much food is being consumed but more about what food we are putting into our bodies.

This was one of the messages that came out of a virtual health and nutrition conference held by catering management and training provider MCTC, on January 28. The international company runs a full catering...

First of Its Kind Crew Care Initiative To Combat COVID Scare

At a time when a raging pandemic is making life hell for everyone, the healthcare of seafarers working for months in ships without any leave is becoming a critical issue, yet nobody is concerned about them.

To remedy this, Columbia Shipmanagement (CSM) has taken the issue of seafarer care to a new level with the introduction of a series of initiatives that will promote their health, fitness and wellbeing to a standard not yet seen in the shipmanagement sector, says an article published on their...

P&I Handbook Helps Crews Face COVID-19

P&I Club issued a new handbook to help crews face day-to-day challenges posed by COVID-19 pandemic, says an article published in Safety4Sea.

Handbook for seafarers

The Swedish P&I Club issued its COVID-19 handbook, which provides practical advice to help both those at sea and those onshore to face the day-to-day challenges posed by the pandemic.

The areas focused

The COVID-19 handbook focuses on 

  • keeping the crew safe, 
  • looking after the crew’s mental wellbeing, 
  • coming into port, and 
  • dealing with...

Seafarers Putting Health and Safety First Demand Access to PPE

  • Seafarers ask for the access to PPE. 
  • HRAS says that at present, high quality PPE may not be widely available. 
  • The Master of ship refuses off-loading alongside the port of Chittagong, Bangladesh. 
  • The UK law states that shipowners must provide the requisite PPE. 

Safety4Sea in a recently published article  discusses the safety of seafarers, their demand for PPE and the existing reality.  There has been an increased global response following the declaration of an outbreak of coronavirus by...

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