Panama Canal Says Shipping Congestion Will Last Into 2024

Credits: Panama Canal Authority
  • Delays threaten to impact Christmas, Chinese New Year shipping
  • Number of ships moving through canal daily has slipped to 32

The operator of the Panama Canal said there’s no immediate prospect of relief from the drought that’s reduced water levels and snarled shipping and global supply chains, reports Bloomberg.

Restricting vessel traffic into 2024

Panama Canal Administrator Ricaurte Vásquez Morales said Sept. 12 that abnormally high ocean temperatures, an...

Ocean delays turn desperate retailers to the skies, increasing emissions

Shipping delays are causing ocean to air shifts, raising emissions.

Congestion at ports in the United States as well as Asia is causing major shipping delays and leaving retailers “desperate to get their goods to physical and virtual store shelves for the holiday season,” according to Eric Kulisch, FreightWaves’ air cargo editor.

Shippers are shifting cargo from oceans to air transportation to avoid delays. But this expensive ocean-to-air shift has ripple effects, including environmental ones. Moving freight via ocean vessel is much more efficient in terms of...

Global shipping congestion calls for greater visibility

Capacity has just about reached its limit on the global stage as shippers and importers continue to brave exorbitant rates and ever-increasing tightness.

Third-party logistics services provider GEODIS echoed one U.K.-based forwarder’s sentiment that the “perfect storm” troubling ocean freight waters following the unprecedented Suez Canal blockage has only worsened. Rates continue to approach unsustainable levels on Asia-Europe lanes, which is hurting the freight’s movers and end consumers.


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