High & Low Sulphur Fuels Expected To See Quieter Demands This Week

Both high sulfur and low sulfur bunker fuel markets are expected to see quieter demand in the week leading up to the Lunar New Year holidays in Singapore, market participants said, although the cargo markets have seen slightly diverging fundamentals, says an article published in S&P Global.

Production Rates

Lower production and a drawdown in stocks has led to a growing Asian marine fuel 0.5%S crack spread, although most LSFO producers have indicated an unwillingness to raise production rates.



Sulphur Fuel Oil Prices Touch Triple-Digit Mark

Emblematic of the topsy-turvy year shipping has endured, the Hi5, the spread between high and low sulfur fuel oil is closing out 2020 heading into triple-digit territory, reports Splash.

All-time high

From an all-time high of $343 per ton in the first week of the year, the Hi5 has sat stubbornly in the $50 to $65 range for most of 2020. However, over the past five weeks, the price differential has consistently risen (see chart below) to nudge towards the $80 mark among the world’s top 20 largest...


Commissioning Scrubbers Alone Not Enough for Compliance

By this time most shipowners have opted for scrubbers installation in order to be compliant to the IMO 2020 sulphur fuel regulations. However, the ambiguity and disparity regarding the correct way to compliance remain. With less than a year remaining for compliance, shipowners are in a dilemma whether it is sufficient to merely commission and not necessarily install or use a scrubber by 31 December 2019 in order to meet the new sulphur content requirements, says an article published in Lexology.


Is the New Clean Fuel Regulation Plan by Cruise Lines the Greenest Option?

Cruise Lines are working overtime to meet the new IMO 2020 sulphur regulations but in their rush, the path they have taken is not the greenest one and amounts to life support for one of the world’s dirtiest fuels, reports Taylor Dolven and Alex Harris for the Miami Herald.

What is it?

The new rule is designed to save lives. The heavy fuel oil that ships use — the cheap and dirty residue leftover at the bottom of a barrel of crude oil after all the gas products are made — is high in sulfur....


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