World’s First Tobacco Law Launched By New Zealand

Credits: Luka Malic/ Unsplash
  • The country is believed to be the first to implement an annually rising legal smoking age.
  • The number of stores legally allowed to sell cigarettes will be reduced to a tenth of their existing levels – from 6,000 to just 600 nationwide. 
  • Data indicates that at least some New Zealanders have swapped their nicotine habit from cigarettes to vapes.

New Zealand has introduced a steadily rising smoking age to stop those aged 14 and under from ever being able to legally...

Surge in Coronavirus Cases Prompts Regional Smoking Ban

  • Two Spanish regions attracting tourists introduced outdoor smoking bans to curb the coronavirus as a top domestic medical body called for a more coordinated response and tougher punishment for rule breakers.
  • Under a law which came into force at midnight in the northwestern region of Galicia, smokers are forbidden to remove face masks.
  • The World Health Organization has said tobacco users could increase the possibility of transmission of the disease since it involves contact of fingers with the...

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