Grille guards crucial to reduce downtime and towable accidents, protect profitability

Keeping trucks on the road is paramount for carriers. A company’s profitability – and an individual driver’s paycheck – is largely determined by the number of miles driven in a given day. Crashes on the highway or even in parking lots often lead to unexpected maintenance and downtime, significantly impacting profits. 

Incidents that cause front-end damage often lead to towable accidents and costly, time-consuming repairs because these accidents compromise several different components of the...

Court upholds EPA’s ability to grant environmental waivers to California

The ability of California to set its own, more stringent environmental and emissions standards — the basis for the state’s Advanced Clean Trucks rule and possibly its Advanced Clean Fleets rule — was upheld Tuesday by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

The case, Ohio vs. EPA, had a plethora of plaintiffs, including 16 states besides Ohio and a group of petroleum-focused trade groups such as the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers and the National Association...

Drop in Class 8 truck orders in March looks big but analysts aren’t worried

Orders for Class 8 trucks were down in March, according to the two key agencies that supply that data, but the decline is not being described as significant.

According to ACT Research, preliminary data shows that North America Class 8 net orders were 17,300 units in March, which was down 10,400 units from February and 8.7% from a year ago.

Meanwhile, FTR Transportation Intelligence reported a net order figure of 18,200 Class 8 vehicles last month. FTR said that is down 34% from its February...

J.D. Power: Commercial vehicle auction volumes steady but prices down

A new report by J.D. Power Valuation Services finds that although auction volume for commercial vehicles in February was similar to that of January, prices fell unexpectedly. The report also suggests that the March 5 sale of equipment – mainly trailers and single-axle day cabs – as part of a liquidation by defunct carrier Yellow Corp. is having a significant impact on prices in March.

The number of late-model sleepers sold in February was comparable to the January figure. However, prices dropped...

Hydrogen mania at key energy conference in ’23 more tempered in ’24

HOUSTON — At CERAWeek’s energy conference in 2023, hydrogen was all the rage. The fuel that is seen by many as eventually the only real pathway for the Class 8 trucking sector to join the energy transition away from petroleum was coming off a legislative victory in Washington with the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and its generous incentives for producing hydrogen from renewable fuels, so-called green hydrogen.

A year later, at CERAWeek 2024, a parade of presenters at the...

California gets another pot of money for ZEV trucks, courtesy of Volkswagen

More than $109 million of California’s share of the money for cleaner vehicles funded by the giant settlement in the Volkswagen diesel scandal will be used to buy, among other things, zero-emissions vehicles (ZEVs) for drayage.

The South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) announced earlier this month that it was releasing about $109.3 million for two categories of cleaner-energy vehicle purchases. The first is for “combustion freight and marine projects,” which comprises a wide range...

FTR, ACT report solid but not stellar new Class 8 truck build numbers

The weak trucking market is still not heavily impacting new truck orders, which remained reasonably strong in February, according to the two firms that most closely track the level of activity.

In releasing its report on preliminary orders for Class 8 vehicles, FTR Transportation Intelligence put the seasonally adjusted number for February at 25,700 units. That is down 9% from January but up 11% from February 2023. FTR said the number was “above seasonal expectations.”

The running 12-month total...

Ryder continues shift toward less reliance on leasing, talks up Cardinal

Ryder System’s fourth quarter saw the continued rise of its Supply Chain Solutions (SCS) segment as a growing contributor to revenue and profitability, with used vehicle sales hurting the performance of its signature Fleet Management Solutions (FMS) vehicle leasing division. 

In prepared remarks released with the earnings, CEO Robert Sanchez, who has been leading the push to have FMS account for a declining percentage of the Ryder business while SCS and Dedicated Transportation Solutions (DTS)...

New tax plan could ease investment burden for truckers

WASHINGTON — The Senate may soon consider a three-year tax package that includes financial benefits for both large and small trucking companies. It passed the U.S. House of Representatives with strong bipartisan support.

The Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024,approved in the House by a vote of357-70 on Jan. 31, allowsaccelerateddepreciation for capital investments and provides more generous deductions for interest expenses — provisions that extend expiring benefits that...

Emissions-rigging fine takes huge bite from Cummins’ Q4 earnings

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An emissions-rigging settlement wiped nearly $14 per share from fourth-quarter profits at Cummins...

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