In search of transformative tech, UP Partners looks to urban air mobility companies

The underlying technologies that are fueling the urban air mobility (UAM) sector are still in their infancy in many cases, but they will be the base upon which the future movement of people and goods depend. The ability of UAM providers to safely operate is also dependent on aircraft navigation systems that can track and guide drones and passenger craft.

It is a high-tech race to fund, develop and deploy the technologies that the future will be built upon.

“The future of high-scale drone and...

Flying cars set for slow takeoff, rapid ascent

Urban air mobility market outlook

Henry Ford, who famously predicted in 1940 that a combination airplane and car was coming for the average person, might not have been right at the time, nor were the thousands that followed with predictions of flying cars in the decades ahead. But those same predictions are slowly becoming true. By 2040, famed flying-car commuter George Jetson may have his choice of rides. 

Yes, the flying car has (almost) arrived.

Investors hoping to jump into the urban air mobility (UAM) market may be turned...

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