How the Vaccine Mandate Will Play Out, Win Over Antivaxers With Vaccine Safety

Picture of army getting vaccinations

After a COVID-19 vaccine is available, you may need to get inoculated to go to the office, attend a sporting event, or even get a seat at a restaurant, writes Jillian Kramer in an article published in the National Geographic

The vaccine may become mandatory to live in this era but many people are anti-vaxers and wouldn’t get vaccinated. So, how to convince in order to mitigate the disease risk of tohers.

What the future looks like?

You walk toward the arena, ready for a big game, tickets in hand....

Chinese Old Fashioned Vaccine Touted To Be the Gamechanger COVID19 Vaccine

Many of the 200-plus Covid-19 vaccine projects under way around the world are focused on new technologies—inoculations based on messenger RNA, for example, or genetically modified cold viruses. The company developing one of China’s leading vaccine candidates, by contrast, is betting that humanity’s best chance may lie with a shot not too different from the kind that’s been in use for hundreds of years, reports Bloomberg.

Chinese Company Started Final Trials Last Month

Beijing-based Sinovac...

[Watch] Dr. Fauci Has Doubts on the Russian COVID19 Vaccine Safety

Picture of Dr. Anthony Fauci
  • Russia’s Sputnik Vaccine has flared up apprehension about vaccine safety and security
  • Dr. Anthony Fauci himself noted concocting a vaccine and proving its safety isn’t the same thing
  • The Russian vaccine has been approved despite no data available on its safety
  • Meanwhile, phase 3 trials, the most crucial step proving vaccine safety in humans is still going on
  • the US administration reiterated its stand of not approving a vaccine unless it shows 50% or more safety
  • Studies have already shown 1 in...

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