MABUX: Bunker Weekly Outlook, Week 44, 2023

During Week 44, the MABUX global bunker indices exhibited erratic fluctuations with no clear sustained trends. The 380 HSFO index declined by $27.94, dropping from $562.50 USD/MT the previous week to $534.56 USD/MT.

The VLSFO index increased by $1.06, reaching $672.58 USD/MT compared to $671.52 USD/MT the previous week. The MGO index saw a significant decrease of $29.73, going from $986.93 USD/MT last week to $957.20 USD/MT. At the time of writing, market trends remain uncertain.

Global Scrubber...

Baltic Exchange Bulk Report : Increased In Mineral Demand


The capesize market started the week on a sluggish note with the PPA conference in Perth creating a quieter atmosphere, leading to reduced trading volumes in the Pacific and a softening of rates. Despite some stabilisation in conditions midweek, the Pacific market remained uninspiring with limited activity and rates on the C5 route dipped. However, as the week drew to a close, there was a slight uptick in volumes and rates on C5 have nudged back up by 45 to 50 cents. In the Atlantic,...

Baltic Exchange Bulk Report : Increased In Mineral Demand


The capesize market started the week on a sluggish note with the PPA conference in Perth creating a quieter atmosphere, leading to reduced trading volumes in the Pacific and a softening of rates. Despite some stabilisation in conditions midweek, the Pacific market remained uninspiring with limited activity and rates on the C5 route dipped. However, as the week drew to a close, there was a slight uptick in volumes and rates on C5 have nudged back up by 45 to 50 cents. In the Atlantic,...

Weekly Dry Market Monitor : Downward Trend In The Capesize Freight Market

Credit: VCG

The last week of October witnessed a downward trend in the Capesize freight market momentum, while the smaller vessel segments experienced a relatively flat momentum. Meanwhile, the grain flows from Brazil to China with the Panamax vessel class recorded a significant surge in October that supported a firmer momentum for Panamax vessel freight rates (as envisaged in the image above).

Amid the weaker picture of the Capesize vessel freight rates, there is a positive side to the Chinese...

Weekly Dry Market Monitor : Downward Trend In The Capesize Freight Market

Credit: VCG

The last week of October witnessed a downward trend in the Capesize freight market momentum, while the smaller vessel segments experienced a relatively flat momentum. Meanwhile, the grain flows from Brazil to China with the Panamax vessel class recorded a significant surge in October that supported a firmer momentum for Panamax vessel freight rates (as envisaged in the image above).

Amid the weaker picture of the Capesize vessel freight rates, there is a positive side to the Chinese...

Baltic Exchange Bulk Report : Rates For C5 Fell By A Total Of $2.20

Credits: Alfvanbeem/Pixabay

The week in the capesize market concluded with a continued trend of declining rates. In the Pacific region, despite the addition of a second major player later in the week, trading remained lacklustre. Rates for C5 fell by a total of $2.20 throughout the week, reflecting the prevailing bearish sentiment. The tonnage list expanded, adding further pressure to rates. Brokers had noticed an increase in coal cargo activity from Indonesia and the East Coast of...

GMS Weekly Report : Oil Price To Rise In The Near Future

Credits: NYK

This week, all of the major recycling markets seemed to be deteriorating at the same time as steel plate prices in India declined for a second straight week, further deteriorating Indian.sentiments and making Alang Buyers increasingly hesitant to offer firm once again.

Additionally, as the Israeli conflict rages on in the region, not only are economic pundits predicting oil prices to rise in the near future, but it is also seeming to affect the forex value of recycling nation...

MABUX: Bunker Weekly Outlook, Week 42, 2023

Credits: Venti Views/ Unsplash

Over the Week 42, the MABUX global bunker indices turned into an upward trend, primarily driven by the escalating conflict in the Middle East. The 380 HSFO index rose by 1.17 USD: from 566.49 USD/MT last week to 567.66 USD/MT.


The VLSFO index, in turn, added 10.08 USD (677.39 USD/MT versus 667.31 USD/MT last week). The MGO index increased by 14.73 USD (from 981.98 USD/MT last week to 996.71 USD/MT, being at the 1000 USD mark.) 

Credit: Mabux
Global Scrubber...

Summer Season’s Demand Puts Ports Under Pressure

Credits: CHUTTERSNAP/Unsplash pp

Congestion at Brazilian ports for Panamax bulkers increases significantly from summer season onwards, states a Signal news source.

Brazilian port congestion 

The second week of October brought both promising and concerning developments in the shipping industry. In the Capesize Brazil to North China route, freight rates continued to exhibit strength, reaffirming their resilience in the face of various market dynamics. However, amidst these encouraging signs, a...

Ningbo Freight Index

Credits: Diana Shipping

The weekly Ningbo Containerised Freight Index is compiled by the Ningbo Shipping Exchange and promoted by the Baltic Exchange. The index is reported every Friday (except Chinese holidays) at 1600 (Beijing). The balticexchange source.

The Ningbo Containerised Freight Index is based on transactional data submitted by:

  • CCL Logistics Co
  • Headwin Logistics Co., Ltd
  • Ningbo E-Union Group of China
  • Zhejiang Xinggang International Freight Co., Ltd
  • Perfectever Logistics (Ningbo) Co.,...

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