By the numbers: Shipping’s unparalleled year in 10 charts


Ocean shipping hit myriad all-time highs in 2021, and just days before the new year, there’s no sign yet of a return to pre-COVID normalcy.

Following are charts covering both container shipping and bulk commodity shipping that highlight how unusual this year has been:

Shipping stocks

Shipping equities have scored big in the COVID era.

Shipping stock indexes are published by New York-based communications and advisory firm Capital Link. Capital Link’s container shipping index outperformed the pack,...

Freightonomics top 10 of 2020

Anthony Smith Zach Strickland

The best of Freightonomics from Anthony Smith and Zach Strickland

It was a topsy-turvy year for freight, with the COVID-19 pandemic ushering in an explosive growth in e-commerce. 

The guys rank their favorite Freightonomics episodes from a year when anything went in the freight market. 

How long will the bull run: Live from the FreightWaves Carrier Summit, Strickland and Smith talk about the booming freight market in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the trenches: Hear from Smith’s cousin with...

Top podcast episodes for freight sales in 2020

PTCD asset

Dooner and Kevin Hill helped navigate the world of freight sales by getting insights from industry leaders and market experts. 

Here are the top 10 episodes of Put That Coffee Down. 

Happiness and mental health’s role in freight sales

Dooner and Hill discuss mental health, happiness, meditation and goals with Stan Duncan from Tallgrass Freight Co. Sales starts with getting your mind right. Once you do this, selling becomes much easier. 

Improv your sales calls

What does improv have to do with...

Great Quarter, Guys top 10 of 2020

Great Quarter Guys 11/17

It was a year of discussions, SPAC announcements, caring and not caring for the GQG crew. 

A list of their favorite episodes to round out the year.

An investor’s guide to final mile: Find out how paying attention to the little details can support success in final-mile logistics. 

What should Nikola do with its $700 million in cash?: Nikola is the talk of 2020 for good and for bad reasons, but can its cash worth be saved?

Hydrogen bubble or bust: The guys look at how large Walmart stock can rise and...

A very WHAT THE TRUCK?!? Christmas (with video)

It’s the most wonderful episode of the year as Dooner and The Dude reflect on 2020 with the whole FreightWaves crew.

2020 has put us through the wringer, but it hasn’t stopped the wheels from turning at FreightWaves and DEFINITELY hasn’t stopped the passion and excitement on our team. 

Dooner and The Dude are welcoming all our FreightWaves hosts to the WHAT THE TRUCK?!? stage for one last holly jolly hurrah; you’ll hear from founder and CEO Craig Fuller, President George Abernathy, the Great...

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