Belgium Government Selects Chelsea Technologies For Ballast Water Compliance Benchmarking

ballast water

It was announced today that the Federal Public Service (FPS) Mobility and Transport, the arm of the Belgium government responsible for shipping, has selected Chelsea Technologies, a world leader in the design and manufacture of sensors for the maritime sector to provide benchmark portable testing for compliance with ballast water standards. This follows the Belgium government’s decision to begin testing vessels calling at its ports and terminals to ensure they can demonstrate compliance with...

1 thought on “Belgium Government Selects Chelsea Technologies For Ballast Water Compliance Benchmarking”

  1. Bio-invasion has increased at an alarming rate, such as Golden Mussels, Zebra Mussels, North American Comb Jellyfish, the Cladoceran Water Flea, and the North Pacific Seastar has led to ballast water treatment becoming a hot topic in maritime discussion around the world, leading to an implementation of a ballast water management plan.


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