ISOA Signs Neptune Declaration

All stakeholders in the offshore energy sector are urged to play their part in implementing the principles set out in the Neptune Declaration

The International Support Vessel Owners’ Association (ISOA) which represents owners and operators of support vessels in the offshore energy sector, has signed the Neptune Declaration committing its members to play their part in promoting the important principles set out in the declaration. These are:

  • Recognize seafarers as key workers and treat them accordingly by giving them early access to COVID-19 vaccinations
  • Implement high quality health protocols
  • Increase collaboration between ship operators and charterers to facilitate crew changes
  • Ensure airline connectivity between key maritime hubs

In a statement, ISOA says:

“The objective of solving the crew change crisis and ensuring the wellbeing of our seafarers cannot be achieved without committed action from other parties. In particular, we urge that:

  • Governments recognise seafarers as key workers and facilitate the transfer of seafarers between their vessels and their home countries, in line with internationally agreed, high-quality health protocols.
  • Governments should also work with the maritime industry to ensure that at an appropriate time, seafarers, irrespective of their nationality, can get priority access to COVID-19 vaccines alongside other key workers and health care professionals.
  • Charterers should co-operate with owners to ensure that crew changes can take place, agreeing to deviations to operating schedules where needed, and contributing to the additional costs being incurred to ensure the continued safe operation of the vessel during the ongoing pandemic

“The offshore energy sector plays an important part in ensuring that the global economy can continue to prosper during the pandemic, and it is vital that the role played by our seafarers is recognised, and that their health and wellbeing is protected.”

About the Neptune Declaration
The Neptune Declaration, signed by more than 600 organisations, outlines the main actions that need to be taken to resolve the crew change crisis.

Further details can be found at

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