250 Lena Göthberg, Host and Producer, Shipping Podcast

Shall I stay or should I go?

I am working my way through big decisions. Should I continue podcasting when I reach the tenth-anniversary next summer, or should I stop? How do I take the Shipping Podcast to the next level if I continue? There are so many things to consider moving forward.
I am strategising, so I haven’t had time to make new interviews. I am talking about why this is happening now.
What do you think? Can you help me reach a decision?
Drop me an email at [email protected]


Program celebrates 10 years of preparing first responders on the water

In 2019, the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators’ Boat Operations and Training Program (BOAT) celebrated its 10-year anniversary. In the early 2000s, NASBLA recognized that there was a need to develop a national training standard among all local, state and tribal law enforcement and emergency first responders. After years of research and discussion with state, federal and local partners, the NASBLA BOAT Program was officially unveiled in 2009.

Since its inception, the BOAT...
