Top 15 Dry Bulk Shipping Companies In 2022

Credits: Erik Odiin/Unsplash

If there is one sector that can truly be said to form the backbone of the modern day world, it is the shipping industry. Each day countless ships traverse the oceans to supply goods from one country to another.

Shipping on Trans-Pacific routes

The scope of today’s shipping can be gauged from the fact that in 2020 — even as the coronavirus pandemic was in full swing — a staggering 25 million twenty feet equivalents (TEUs) of cargo shipped on the Trans-Pacific routes....

Conversions And Charter Extensions for Bulk Santiago And Bulk Shenzhen

Credits: Artur Voznenko/ Unsplash
  • Following the fixed rate charter period, both time charters have been extended with 8-13 months index-linked charters.
  • For Q1 2023, 2020 Bulkers has four vessels fixed at an average rate of US$17,069, gross, as well as a floating scrubber benefit for one vessel. 
  • The Company maintains 100% floating rate exposure to the normally seasonally stronger market from the second quarter onwards.

2020 Bulkers has converted the index-linked time charters for Bulk Santiago...

How 2020 Bulkers Is Prospering In The Dry Bulk Market

  • The best fleet in the drybulk segment, outperforming peers in terms of rates while keeping a low cash breakeven.
  • Bullish supply/demand outlook for the next years in the drybulk market.
  • Full alignment of interests, as founders and management are the largest shareholders.
  • Free cash flow paid monthly as dividends and cash distributions.

One of the things that makes the writer love shipping is that is such a hated sector that sometimes you have the chance of picking up real diamonds at bargain...

Scorpio Bulkers Announces Its $18.65m Vessel Sale

Scorpio Bulkers has sold an ultramax bulk carrier to an an unaffiliated third party, says a press release published on their website.

The Vessel value

Scorpio has sold the 2017-built ultramax SBI Libra, which has been on long-term charter from Ocean Yield, to an unnamed third party with delivery scheduled this quarter.

Scorpio says it has sold the vessel for $18.65m, while Ocean Yield says that Scorpio declared an option to sell the vessel netting the Norwegian company $20m. According to...

Dry Bulk Market Stays Elusive, Says Shipping Company Chief

Norway’s 2020 Bulkers expects the dry bulk market to recover before long, reports Lloyds List.

Challenging market scenario

The company’s Chief Executive Magnus Halvorsen told, “The market looks challenging, for now, driven by the lack of iron ore volumes out of Brazil,” on the sidelines of the Marine Money ship finance forum in London.

The volumes so far in January translates to an annualised figure of just 250m tonnes from the South American country, but the hope is that Vale, Brazil’s largest...