Regional Regulations Cripple IMO’s Decarbonisation Goal

Ship owners and operators want International shipping stakeholders to collaborate through IMO to support its decarbonisation effort and avoid regional regulations, says an article published in Riviera Maritime Media.

Regional regulations 

One of the main concerns among panellists at an owner and operators’ session during the Riviera Maritime Media’s MAP Europe conference was the regional regulations.

According to them, regional regulations are patchwork that will undermine international shipping’s...

The Risk Factor Behind Changing Ship Fuel Quality

  • The shipping sector is providing an outlet for surplus oil products such as diesel that have swelled due to a virus-driven demand hit.
  • But questions about changing ship fuel quality are starting to raise concerns.
  • Diesel & straight-run kerosene is usually processed into jet fuel, increasingly being used to make very low-sulfur fuel oil for ships, helps to alleviate a glut of middle distillates.
  • Routine sampling of VLSFO is showing that some blends are becoming less viscous, or thinner may...

Viswa Group Releases White Paper on Ignition & Combustion Properties of VLSFO’s

Viswa Group, in its latest technical update has published the white paper focusing on the ignition combustion properties of VLSFOs determined using the Fuel Ignition/Combustion Analyzer (FIA -100/FCA). 


New 2020 VLSFOs 

The new 2020 Very Low Sulfur Fuels(VLSFOs) have become the most widely used fuel in 2020 since the IMO sulfur regulations.  

Complex chemical nature

The chemical nature of VLSFOs has been very complex, owing to the fact that these are hybrid fuels made by blending multiple...

Can China Be Self-sustainable in the 2020 LSFO Market?

  • China could become self-sustainable in the LSFO market during 2020, producing 18.1 million metric tonnes (mt) of low sulphur bunker fuel this year.
  • China will be able to produce 22.6 million mt of the IMO-compliant fuel by 2021, increasing output to 29.6 million mt by 2022.
  • IMO 2020 and the COVID-19 economic impact forced many state-run refineries to produce LSFO to serve domestic and international demand. 
  • China’s marine fuel futures contract to attract strong interest.
  • China’s policy on...

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