Low Sulphur Fuel Adds $20,000 To Annual Ship Operation Costs For Each Ship Per Annum

Norbulk Shipping - sulphur cap 2020 & COVID-19

The introduction of rules last year to reduce ship sulphur emissions is resulting in a significant hike in operational expenditure for ship managers, with the use of low and very low sulphur fuel potentially resulting in system and engine damage.

Speaking recently during a webinar organised by trade association management company Maritime AMC, Sacha Cornell, Fleet Manager, Norbulk Shipping, revealed that using low sulphur fuel can add as much as US$20,000 to the operational expenditure for each...


IMO 2020 Sulphur Limit Implementation – Carriage Ban Enters Into Force

Sulphur carriage

Consistent implementation of the IMO 2020 regulation which limits sulphur in ships fuel oil is enhanced from 1 March 2020, with the entry into force of a rule to ban the carriage of non-compliant fuel oil.

Image Credits: imo.org

The IMO 2020 regulation limits sulphur in ships’ fuel oil to a maximum 0.50%. The regulation has been in force globally since 1 January 2020, under IMO’s MARPOL treaty, with benefits for the environment and human health from a reduction in sulphur oxides in the air.



Prohibition On Carriage Of Non-Compliant Fuel

An Image Representing Low Sulphur Emitting Fuel

The Tokyo and Paris Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) on port State control (PSC) have been working collaboratively to ensure that vessel owners and operators are aware that under the Authorities belonging to these MoUs, inspections will be undertaken to ensure compliance with the new sulphur limit requirements on marine fuel oil, from 1 January 2020.

These new requirements prohibit the use of non-compliant fuel from 1 January 2020 and the carriage of non-compliant fuel, for use on the ship,...


Low-Sulfur Fuel Sale Jumps As 2020 Sulfur Cap Kicks In

Singular Point - IMO2020 - 2

In Singapore, the world’s largest bunkering hub, the bunker sale landscape saw significant change as the sale of high-sulfur fuel oil dropped tremendously in a matter of months. In contrast, the sale of low-sulfur fuels skyrocketed in the final quarter.

The first wave of IMO2020

Preliminary estimates from The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore indicate that a total of 4,465 thousand tonnes were sold in December 2019, a 4% increase compared to December 2018 and the highest sale of bunker...


Norden Continues Fleet Optimisation To Deliver Compliant Fuels For IMO 2020

LR classed NORD MERMAID, image courtesy of NORDEN

NORDEN has sold 1 Handysize tanker, which was delivered to her new owners in late November 2019. On the back of this sale, the company purchased 2 MR tankers, which were delivered in end-December 2019.

With an ambition to continuously optimize the company’s owned fleet portfolio, NORDEN continues to be active within the sale and purchase of vessels.

Add to this the positive outlook for tankers, where NORDEN expects a continued strong market well into 2020 as refineries increase production to...


MSC Continues To Invest In Low-Carbon Future: Operating Modern, Green Fleet

MSC container ship representation

Improving the environmental performance of the container shipping supply chain is a common goal shared by shipping lines, shippers, freight forwarders and non-vessel operating common carriers, as well as governments, regulators, and the public around the world.

The UN International Maritime Organization (IMO) requires that from 1 January 2020, Sulphur content in the fuel used for international shipping must be limited globally to 0.5%, compared with the current standard of 3.5%, in order to...


Maritime Union Issues Criminalisation Caution Over IMO 2020

Singular Point - IMO2020 - 2

Maritime professionals’ union, Nautilus International, has issued a warning over a potential new wave of seafarer criminalisation when the much-debated new global curbs on Sulphur emissions in shipping come into force from 1 January 2020.

The Union has been told by members that many seafarers are increasingly alarmed by the prospect of being scapegoated for problems through no fault of their own, linked to the 0.5% cap on the Sulphur content of fuel.

Penalties for non-compliance with the new 0.5%...


IMO Secretary-General Opens 31st Assembly Calling For Concrete Action

IMO Secretary-General opens 31st Assembly with a call for concrete_action

The Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Mr. Kitack Lim, has opened the Organization’s 31st Assembly session, calling for concrete action to address climate change and other challenges.

“In so many areas, we are now at a crossroads. In the next biennium, IMO will need to deliver tangible and concrete action – to ensure our strategies, plans and roadmaps are achieved. I am confident that, together, we can succeed,” Mr. Lim said.

“While we always have to – and will –...


IMO: Preparations Intensify As 1 January 2020 Global Cut In Sulphur In Ship’s Fuel Oil Looms

Sulphur roundtable_inside

“IMO 2020” requirements for ships to cut sulphur oxide emissions enter into effect in just over one month’s time. This will significantly reduce air pollution from ships with positive benefits for human health and the environment.

The new requirement means that the global limit for sulphur in fuel oil used on board ships will be reduced to 0.50% m/m (mass by mass). Within designated emission control areas (ECAs), the limit will remain at 0.10%. The new limit will be mandatory, under a regulation...
