LUKOIL’s New 40 BN Cylinder Oil Prevents Deposit Build-Up By Extra Detergency For 2020 Fuels


Last month LUKOIL Marine Lubricants invited customers to a Technical Seminar in Athens to address the changes in engine lubrication that the shipping industry is facing because of the crucial legislative changes in 2020.

Stefan Claussen, Technical and Marketing Director of LUKOIL Marine, presented on the uncertainties around the marine fuel landscape after 2020 and discussed the future cylinder lubrication solutions for very-low (VLSFO

Claussen reinforced the approach advising to start with 40...

Countdown To IMO 2020 Begins, POSCO Poses Readiness To Mass-Produce SOx Scrubbers


Starting 1 January 2020, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) will enforce a new 0.5% global sulfur cap on fuel content, lowering from the present 3.5% limit. As the ultimate goal of the regulation is to reduce SOx emissions in shipping, the industry stakeholders are devising potential solutions such as fuel switching and SOx scrubber.

To support the shipping industry in meeting the 2020 sulfur cap, POSCO is more prepared than ever – with its capacity to mass-produce high-grade...

IMO Sulphur 2020 Regulation: Driving A Ship Propulsion Revolution

IMO Driving a propulsion revolution

IMO initial GHG strategy is driving a new propulsion revolution. Speaking at London International shipping Week, IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim said, “The initial strategy adopted last year is a major policy commitment for a drastic reduction of GHG emissions from ships, with a specific linkage to the Paris Agreement, and clear levels of ambition – including at least a 50 per cent cut in emissions from the sector by 2050, compared to 2008.

“In the short-term, IMO will consider concrete...

ClassNK Reorganizes Structure To Support Industry With The 2020 Sulphur Cap


Leading classification society ClassNK has undergone structural changes that include the integration of its point of contacts in order to more quickly and efficiently support clients with the IMO’s upcoming sulfur cap which will be globally enforced starting in January of 2020.

Image Credits: ClassNK

In light of the increasingly strengthening SOx regulation, until now ClassNK had already been providing not only appropriate plan approvals/site surveys and information on international/regional...

AAL Plans To Move Forward With Adoption Of The IMO Low Sulphur Regulation 2020

AAL’s Adoption Of The IMO Low Sulphur Regulation 2020

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With widespread discussion and reporting about the IMO 2020 ‘Sulphur Cap’ regulation, coming into effect January 1st 2020, we would like to clarify our position and how we plan to move forward over the coming weeks and months to fully prepare ourselves and our customers for this important and long-awaited milestone in our sector’s history.

The purpose of the new regulation is to reduce sulphur oxide (SOx) levels produced across the entire shipping industry, resulting...

IMO To Host Symposium On IMO 2020 And Alternative Fuels For Decarbonization

Save the date - Symposium on IMO 2020 and Alternative Fuels (17-18 October 2019)

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Taking stock of the preparations for the #IMO2020 and looking at alternative fuels for decarbonization of international shipping.

IMO is hosting a Symposium on IMO 2020 and Alternative Fuels on Thursday, 17 October and Friday, 18 October 2019 in the Main Hall at IMO Headquarters, London, United Kingdom.

This one and half day symposium aims to raise awareness and to take stock of the preparations for the new IMO 2020 rule, and to discuss the role of alternative fuels in the...

DNV GL Supports 2020 Sulphur Compliance With Online Ship Implementation Plan

DNV GL 2020 compliance

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As the days count down to the entry into force of the 2020 0.5% sulphur cap, preparation is key. DNV GL offers a free web-based application of the Ship Implementation Plan (SIP) that ship owners and managers can use to prepare vessel-specific SIPs and maintain an overview of their fleet. While not mandatory, the SIP is an IMO guidance which all ships are encouraged to prepare and implement to be ready for 1 January 2020.

“As we approach 2020, good preparation will be...

DNV GL Releases Assessment Of Selected Alternative Fuels Following Increasing Emissions Pressure

DNV GL Alternative Fuels Cover (1)

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The shipping industry is under increasing pressure to act upon the Paris Agreement and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

The substantial emission reductions which must be achieved over the next decades are expected to drive technology development and, in particular, the introduction of low-carbon fuels. Furthermore, authorities are increasingly paying attention to the consequences of hazardous NOX, SOX and particle emissions at the local level.

Around the world, air...

ICS: Six Months To Go To The ‘Global Sulphur Cap’

ICS CMI Maritime Ratification treaty (1)

With six months to go until the implementation of the ‘Global Sulphur Cap’ the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has issued updated guidance to help shipowners comply with new UN International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations. Taking full effect on 1 January 2020 the legal framework will require merchant ships worldwide to use fuel with a sulphur content of less than 0.50 percent or use alternative mitigation technologies.

Representation Image – Credits:

Guy Platten,...

ABS Introduces Industry-Leading Advisory To Help Solve Fuel Technology Challenges

ABS Launches Global Sustainability Center to Help Industry Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy

ABS published its Advisory on Gas and Other Low Flashpoint Fuels providing guidance on available technologies, regulatory requirements and installation and operational considerations for adopting gas or other low flash point fuels.

Representation Image – Credit:

“The majority of the deep-sea shipping fleet will be using conventional and emerging lower sulfur residual and distillate fuels to meet the 1 January 2020 IMO global fuel sulfur limit of 0.5%. However, in the short and mid-term,...