Carrier networks relying on 3G don’t have the time they think

Food-as-software will make a chunk of ag-sector trucking obsolete (Photo: Jim Allen/FreightWaves)

While the 3G sunset deadlines will wrap in  2022 for cellular providers like Verizon, AT&T and Sprint, there are still some companies in the  trucking industry that have hesitated to upgrade their 2G or 3G cellular devices to 4G LTE for various reasons: budgetary concerns, uncertainty over which tech vendor to use and a belief that the deadline will continue to get pushed out. In a poll of carriers that haven’t yet taken action, 14% said they simply lack the understanding of what a 3G sunset...

Still relying on 3G networks? It is time for an upgrade

The introduction of 5G — alongside widespread adoption of 4G LTE-enabled devices — has prompted major players to shut down older networks. Companies relying on older cellular networks, including 3G, CDMA and 2G, to run their remote monitoring and telematics applications will soon start to experience performance issues and reliability drops ahead of widespread network shutdowns. 

As 3G support is phased out, companies operating devices that utilize 2G or 3G and are not compatible with 4G LTE...

Fleets delaying 3G-to-4G transition may face disruptions before sunset deadlines

White truck convoy road forest roadside - stock - credit Quintin Gellar and Pexels

Telecom providers are currently contending with two major shifts: the gradual phasing out of 3G networks and the introduction of the highly anticipated 5G infrastructure ⁠— one that promises sweeping advances in automation and supply chain communication. 

While trucking fleets still using 3G devices have, in some cases, until the end of 2022 to transition to 4G/LTE, many are procrastinating ⁠— and understandably so. Outside of the financial cost of upgrading, they will have to park their fleets,...

Why fleets shouldn’t dread 3G to 4G transition

Trucks and trailers throughout the country currently utilize tens of thousands of 3G telematics devices ⁠— devices that were purchased before 2018 and into 2019 and are marching toward obsolescence. In order to roll out the 5G networks, cellular providers have to retire 3G networks and free up as much bandwidth as possible. 

While Verizon isn’t shutting down its 3G network until the end of 2022, T-Mobile’s sunset date will arrive as soon as October 2021. AT&T’s date is February 2022, and Sprint...

Fleets’ data service reliability may drop as telecoms transition away from 3G

Major carriers to start shutting down 3G networks

Any fleet that delayed adopting electronic logging devices until right before the deadline was faced with a lack of inventory and support delays as providers became overwhelmed. A similar scenario could potentially repeat itself as AT&T, Verizon and other carriers prepare to shut down their 2G and 3G cellular networks.

Verizon was among the first carriers to announce a shutdown date — Dec. 31, 2020 — although the company has now pushed that back to December 2022. AT&T said it will shut down its...