Demand proves strong for Australian citrus industry

Pictured: slices of oranges; credit: Alice Pasqual from Unsplash

Nathan Hancock, chief executive officer at industry association Citrus Australia, explains how COVID-19 has affected the citrus-growing and exporting industry in Australia. 

COVID-19 has proved disruptive to the Australian citrus industry this year but strong domestic and international demand for our world class fruit has provided a silver lining.

Seasonal workers

COVID-19 made an immediate impact, when Prime Minister Scott Morrison...

Market view: oil and water do mix!

Pictured: a field of canola; photo credit – Michael Obeysekera from Unsplash

Nick Goddard, chief executive officer of the Australian Oilseeds Federation, explains how dependent Australia’s oilseed export industry is on ocean shipping. 

The old adage of oil and water not mixing is far from the truth when it comes to Australia’s $3.5 billion oilseed industry.  With over $1.5 billion worth of exports each year, all of which are shipped by sea, the Australian oilseed industry is highly reliant on the...

Australia’s grain trade: emergence from adversity

Pictured: a close-up of an ear of wheat; Credit: Robin M from Unsplash

Pat O’Shannassy, chief executive officer, Grain Trade Australia reports that the 2020-21 season Australian winter-based grain crop is generally very favourable as compared to the recent drought-ravaged seasons of recent years.

Grain Trade Australia is expecting increased activity for the shipping industry from grain exports in 2021 [compared to] prior years.

ABARES supports this forecast, as its winter crop production is...

Q&A – with meat and farm products exporter Fletchers International Exports

Pictured: Sheep loaded for transport; credit: credit Jo-Anne-McArthur from Unsplash

Family-owned Fletcher International Exports is a well-known Australian farmer, processor and exporter of lamb, sheep meat and other agricultural products.  The group has two plants, one in Dubbo, New South Wales, and the other near Albany, Western Australia.  Together, the two plants process more than 90,000 sheep and lambs a week – that’s over 4.5 million head of livestock a year.

The group has expanded into...