Retailers now believe sea-air the best way to get their goods out of China

Major retailers awaiting their spring-summer stock are planning to opt for sea-air to get their goods out of China.
The garment industry wants its new season launches into shops before Easter, in eight weeks’ time, but “some 70% to 80% of Chinese factories are still not back up to speed,” said Grant Liddell, business development director for Metro Shipping.
“So there will be at least another week’s delay in production, and a lot …

The post Retailers now believe sea-air the best way to get their...

Shippers brace for delays as coronavirus keeps China’s factories closed

Container shippers should expect more blanked sailings and increased freight rates if China’s coronavirus outbreak extends factory closures, while airlines are scrambling to reduce flights into the country.
The government has already extended the lunar new year holiday until 2 February, but workers in major cities like Shanghai and Ningbo have been told to stay home until 10 February.
“Should this additional week-long shut down be extended nationally, it would be no …

The post Shippers brace for...

Air cargo: don’t rest on your laurels, other modes are targeting your business

The net seems to be closing in on air cargo. The market is soft; trade is down. But there are other worries for this most fragile of industries. 
Other modes are coming for its business. Yesterday Russian Railways announced that cargo transport on its network between Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) countries rose 7% year-on-year between January and August. And it is eyeing more. The railway is offering 50% discounts on the transport of a …

The post Air cargo: don’t rest on your laurels,...

Vietnam ‘has bitten off more than it can chew’ as it struggles with growth

Air cargo capacity serving Vietnam is on the rise.
Last week, Ethiopian Airlines started a weekly B777F service to Bangkok and Hanoi, and in line with the carrier’s triangular strategy, the flight is routed from its home base via Europe to Asia.
“These flights make Ethiopian the first African carrier to operate cargo flights from Bangkok, and will also create better opportunities for Thai and Vietnamese exporters to have a one-stop access …

The post Vietnam ‘has bitten off more than it can chew’...

Panalpina warns of higher charges to come as first-half profit dips

Panalpina has blamed US-China trade tension and market uncertainty for lower first-half profits – and warned of rising charges for customers. 
Publishing a Q&A with its heads of air and ocean freight, Lucas Kuehner and Peder Winther, the company notes depressed markets in both modes. 
In air freight for the first half, Panalpina’s ebit was Sfr38.4m ($39m), from net forwarding revenues of Sfr1.5bn, down 28% and 2.5% year-on-year respectively. But Mr Kuehner said that the exceptionally …

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