Drone highways in the sky could be on the horizon

Drone highways could be the future, but not everyone agrees

Set in 2062, “The Jetsons’” whimsical world of flying cars and robot housekeepers captivated young viewers with a high-tech future. But Hanna-Barbera got it wrong: At least part of that future may be four decades early.

No longer the stuff of science fiction, highways in the sky are a very real proposition. Already, four states have test-run legislation that restricts drones to aerial corridors. Drone companies, states and the Federal Aviation Administration are working to regulate the national...


The 5 most fascinating drone deliveries of 2021 (so far)

top 5 most interesting weird crazy drone deliveries of 2021

It has been a great year for drones. In the final week of 2020, the Federal Aviation Association finalized regulations that got the ball rolling for widespread commercial drone use, approving flights beyond the operator’s line of sight just a month later. 

With drones now very much in the mainstream, they’ve awakened sleeping corporate giants like Amazon and Walmart, which have partnered with drone manufacturers around the world. Investors are in on the drone craze too, providing funding to a...
