How Is the Boxship Industry Coping Up With Record Freight Rates?

The CEO and founder of Danish container shipping consultancy Sea-Intelligence, Alan Murphy, ponders how close are we to topping out in terms of today’s record freight rates, reports Splash247.

SCFI hitting new highs

The Shanghai Containerised Freight Index (SCFI) hit new highs on Friday. For many months now people have been questioning how much higher spot rates can go. It’s a tricky one, as there are so many unknown variables in play.

Uncharted territory 

First, we are now so far into uncharted...

Container Scheduled Reliability Has Declined To Its Lowest Levels

Global container service scheduled reliability has declined to its lowest levels since records began, according to new data from SeaIntelligence Consulting, says an article published in the loadstar.

Schedule Reliability Data

The analyst’s latest schedule reliability data for December shows just 44.6% of vessels arriving on time, “which means that for the fifth consecutive month, global schedule reliability has been the lowest across all months since Sea-Intelligence introduced the benchmark in...