Young Seafarer Takes His Own Life Onboard An Asphalt Tanker

With express permission, it is with great sadness that Tanker Operator reports the tragic and premature death of a young seafarer onboard the MT SEA PRINCESS (IMO 8607634), an asphalt bitumen tanker owned by Global tanker Pvt Ltd India and operated by Prime Tankers (UAE), which occurred on the afternoon of 28 January 2021 off the UAE coast.

The vessel’s destination

The vessel was en-route with 13 Indian crew from Sharjah to Alang, India, where it is due to be scrapped. The dependents have been...

Ship Recycling Doubled, 1.5 Lakh New Jobs

  • India aims to attract ships from Europe and Japan for scrapping.
  • Especially in Alang, one of the biggest ship breaking yards of the world.
  • Union finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman said, more vessels would double the recycling which is presently 4.5 million light displacement tonnage (LDT) by 2024.
  • LDT is the weight of the ship after removal of cargo, passengers, crew, fuel, ballast water, internal storage etc.

According to a recent news article published in the The Times of India, ship...

Previous Ship Engineer Explains The Deep Connection Officers Often Share With Ships

The author RECENTLY read an article regarding INS Viraat going to Alang, a graveyard for decommissioned ships. He reminisced of the time when he was an engineer with India’s pioneer shipping company, Scindia Steam Navigation, in Bombay, writes the author in his article published in The Tribune.

The story of a ship

The company came into being in 1919 and ruled the seas in cargo trade. It had a fleet of over 60 ships. As a ship aged and became economically unviable, it was either sold to a new...

World’s Largest Shipbreaking Stretch Goes Green

Ship recycling plots in Alang beached 196 ships in calendar year 2020 for dismantling, benefiting from the green recycling policies of global ship owners for their end-of-life ships, reports the Hindu Business Line.

In comparison, sub-continent rivals Bangladesh beached 150 ships and Pakistan 95 ships. In 2019, Alang beached 186 ships for recycling.

Green recycling standards

Over 90 of the 120 working plots at Alang are certified for compliance with green recycling standards prescribed by the Hong...

Asia’s largest shipbreaking town beached like never before

First-hand report from the beaches of India’s shipbreaking facilities at Alang on the impact of the pandemic, courtesy of Vice. Operations at Alang came to a sudden halt when the government announced a national lockdown in March. However, India’s cash buyers of scrapped tonnage, such as GMS, have been in demand as a number of shipping sectors – such as car-carrying – sought to reduce capacity. The problem for Alang …

The post Asia’s largest shipbreaking town beached like never before appeared...

Icelandic Journalists Shed Light On Illegal Export Of Toxic Ships To India

silhouette sunset container ship

Icelandic program Kveikur released an investigation on the murky sale of two ships owned by Icelandic company Eimskip. In a documentary broadcasted by radio and television Ríkisútvarpið (RÚV), Kveikur uncovers the illegal export of the container ships GODAFOSS and LAXFOSS to the Indian beach of Alang for dirty and dangerous scrapping. The Icelandic authorities have confirmed that the case has been brought to the public prosecutor for further investigation.

In an interview with RÚV, and in...

Video: Longest Serving Warship INS Viraat Makes Last Voyage To World’s Biggest Ship Breaking Yard

INS Viraat

INS Viraat, the longest-serving warship is on its way from Mumbai to the world’s biggest ship breaking yard Alang, Gujarat to be dismantled. INS Viraat served for a total of 57 years, 27 years in the UK’s Royal Navy as HMS Hermes and 30 years in India.

Representation Image – INS Viraat – Credits: / Indian Navy

In March 2017 INS Viraat was decommissioned at Mumbai in a grand ceremony in the presence over 1,300 personnel who served on the Centaur-class aircraft carrier. Navy...

How To Recycle Ships in A Safe and Sustainable Manner?

Victim carried across beach on stretcher, large ship in background with smoke.
  • International Labour Organisation said shipbreaking is among the most dangerous jobs in the world.
  • It causes unacceptably high levels of fatalities, injuries, and work-related diseases.
  • Valuable materials such as steel, iron, aluminum, and plastics are extracted for recycling.
  • South Asian countries of India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan are hotspots for recycling.
  • Beaching is the most popular method for recycling.

According to an article published in The Conversation and authored by Olalekan...