The Largest Sinkhole In The World—Did You Know About It?

Credit: Design Pics Inc/Alamy

The outside world only “discovered” it in 1994, and scientists are still unsure of how it came into being.

Puzzling structures

When looking down from orbit at the rural Chongqing Municipality in southwest China, a series of deep, dark gashes may be seen, denting the earth like an alien footprint. Some specialists question whether a meteorite’s impact on Earth could have caused these puzzling structures. Others claim that they developed gradually over a period of...

If Aliens Visited Our Solar System, Will We Ever Know?

  • Have intelligent aliens ever visited the solar system? 
  • The solar system has been around for over 4 billion years, and if intelligent life arose in our galaxy, it may have reached us.
  • Scientists have outlined how we can look for clues any visitors may have left behind.

If aliens have visited the solar system, here’s how to find clues they left.

Extraterrestrial Artifacts

There are several main methods for hunting for intelligence outside Earth. The first approach is to look for signs of any...

Alien Ship has Entered Our Solar System : Harvard

Extraterrestrial life has always been a hot topic of discussion. It’s just a very exciting feeling to believe that civilization exists outside of our planet that we may have no idea about. The latest is, a HARVARD professor insisted that he has found part of an alien spaceship and is in the process of finding the evidence, reports Freddie Jordan for Express.

Cigar shaped sail or asteroid?

The head of Harvard’s astronomy department Avi Loeb believes that he has found part of an alien spaceship...