254 Dr Therese Canning, Southampton Solent University

Words are powerful

Have you ever been the subject of a dissertation? The first 63 episodes of the Shipping Podcast laid the groundwork for an extensive research project, and now is the time to unveil the results.

It’s been eight years since Therese Canning contacted me to discuss her study. She mentioned using the interviews from this platform to explore what individuals in the maritime industry were discussing and who voiced opinions on sustainability.

Since then, Therese has conducted further...


253 Emma Mark, Executive Coach, EJB Coaching

Who leaves the maritime industry?

Meet Emma Mark, Executive Coach at EJB Coaching. She left the maritime industry for a while but has returned to contribute with her experience and knowledge.

We discuss our similar experiences as women in the maritime industry and share the good and the bad. What is the current role model when entering the industry? Has it changed, or do we need to take action to make it less traditional and moulded after its predecessors?

Are women in the maritime industry clear...


252 George S. Leone, President and Chair of the Board of Homecoming 250

Homecoming 250, the celebration of the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps’ 250th anniversaries

Mark your calendar for October 9 -16, 2025, to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps in their birthplace – Philadelphia and the Delaware River – as a grand opening event of the Semiquincentennial of the United States.
In episode 252, George S Leone, the President and Chair of Homecoming 250, presents the entire project, how it came about and what to expect.

For the Navy...


Lena Gothberg, Host and Producer the Shipping Podcast

The disappearing act is over!

I am back! Happy New Year, and best wishes for a prosperous 2025!
What are the pros and cons of continuing the Shipping Podcast?

How can I be the voice for change and progress in the maritime industry if I don’t change myself? Am I able to live up to my demands on the maritime industry?

Please send me feedback on this episode; it will make my day! [email protected]
Thank you for listening!

The post Lena Gothberg, Host and Producer the Shipping Podcast first...


250 Lena Göthberg, Host and Producer, Shipping Podcast

Shall I stay or should I go?

I am working my way through big decisions. Should I continue podcasting when I reach the tenth-anniversary next summer, or should I stop? How do I take the Shipping Podcast to the next level if I continue? There are so many things to consider moving forward.
I am strategising, so I haven’t had time to make new interviews. I am talking about why this is happening now.
What do you think? Can you help me reach a decision?
Drop me an email at [email protected]


249 Arsenio Dominguez, Secretary-General International Maritime Organisation

Navigating the Future of Maritime Sustainability

In this special episode, we are honoured to welcome Arsenio Domínguez, the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Recorded during the 82nd Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) session in London, this conversation offers a rare glimpse into the mind of a visionary leader who is spearheading global efforts to protect our oceans.

Arsenio shares his thoughts on the maritime industry’s critical challenges, from...


Erik Froste, CEO Swedish Roadferries – take 2, improved sound quality

On a maritime mission in Ukraine

Meet Erik Froste, CEO of Swedish Roadferries, assigned by the European Union Advisory Mission for Civilian Security Sector Reform Ukraine (EUAM Ukraine), to go to Odesa and find out when Ukraine can fulfil the crucial maritime requirements of becoming a member of the European Union.

Erik was on this mission for six months earlier this year, and you must listen to his story about everyday life in Ukraine. He also speaks about the brave people he met and how he...


245 Alison Cusack, Principal Lawyer, Cusack & Co Pty Ltd

The Australian General Average Nerd

Alison Cusack, Principal Lawyer at Cusack & Co Pty Ltd in Melbourne, is an expert on General Average. If you have never understood the principles of the General Average, this episode is for you! In addition, there is no aspect of the maritime industry we don’t touch upon in our conversation. #everyconversationmatters 

What do you think about the concept of “Sea Embassy” as a way to solve the entire autonomous ship issue? Do you think that’s a way forward? 

