The Top priorities of the 2020 Regulatory Agenda Updates

2020 has been the year that all the maritime industry anticipated with mixed feelings due to the implementation of sulphur cap. Although all lights were shed on COVID-19 , once again the regulatory agenda was busy within 2020 in order the maritime industry to stay on the pulse and remain sustainable reports Safety4Sea.

Namely, the latest regulatory impacting the industry within the year include the following updates:

Key decisions of IMO’s virtual Committees

During November, the first virtual...

ClassNK Releases Amendments To Its Rules and Guidance

  • ClassNK has released amendments to its Rules and Guidance.
  • It is for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships issued on 30 June 2020.
  • It is revising its Rules and Guidance to make them more rational and transparent.
  • It has released a series of 48 amendments.

Leading Classification Society ClassNK has released amendments to its Rules and Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships issued on 30 June 2020, says a press release published on their website.

Rules and guidance revision


New requirements coming into force on maintenance of life-saving appliances

1st January of 2020 marks the beginning for many regulatory updates for shipping. One of them is the new IMO requirements for the maintenance, examination, operational testing, overhaul and repair of lifeboats and rescue boats; the following article outlines key changes to assist operators in effective compliance with new requirements.

Maintenance of life-saving appliances: Key Amendments

Amendments on life saving appliances were adopted during the 96th session of IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee...

New requirements for maintenance of life-saving appliances enter into force in 2020

The amendments to SOLAS regulations III/3 and III/20, introducing mandatory new requirements for the maintenance and inspection of lifeboats and rescue boats, are entering into force on 1 January 2020, to ensure safety of life-saving appliances and equipment.

The amendments were adopted during the 96th session of IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 96) in May 2016 and introduce mandatory new requirements for the maintenance and inspection of lifeboats and rescue boats, launching appliances and...

2020 sulphur cap guidelines now available

The 74th session of the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 74) concluded on Friday with a comprehensive set of guidelines for the consistent implementation of the 2020 sulphur cap.

Taking into account the 1 January 2020 global implementation of 0.50% sulphur limit for the fuel oil used on board and the 1 March 2020 carriage ban of non-compliant fuel, the Committee adopted the subject Guidelines.



In addition, the FONAR is to include a...

Overview of MEPC 74 outcome

The 74th session of the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 74) took place on 13-17 May at IMO headquarters in London, with key environmental subjects on its agenda. ABS provided an overview of the progress made during the meeting.

Energy Efficiency

MEPC 74 approved amendments to regulations 1, 2, 14, 18, 20 21 and appendices I and VI of MARPOL Annex VI, with a view to adoption at MEPC 75, which:

  • provide definitions of sulphur content, low flashpoint fuel, MARPOL delivered sample,...

Draft amendments to the list of certificates under STCW

The 6th session of IMO’s Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW 6), held from 19 April to 3 May finalized draft amendments to the STCW Code, and namely the list of certificates or documentary evidence required under the STCW Convention.

The STCW Code’s table B-I/2 (‘List of certificates or documentary evidence required under the STCW Convention’) identifies all certificates or documentary evidence described in the Convention which authorize the holder to serve in certain...

Set of Draft Guidelines Due for Final Validation At MSC 101

A set of draft guidelines due for final validation at MSC 101 in June, 2019 will address a number of concerns and will also reflect a new regulation philosophy that promises more flexibility, reports Tanker operator.

IMO draft guidelines for approval

While in the past, IMO and other regulatory bodies typically issued regulations in response to incidents, the trend today is to be proactive while pursuing a goal-based regulatory approach that defines what should be achieved, rather than how to...

Hong Kong: New and amended legislation under SOLAS

Hong Kong Marine Department issued a shipping note informing of ten pieces of amended and two pieces of new Hong Kong legislation, which implements the latest technical requirements in relation to the construction and survey of ships and the fire safety requirements of ships stipulated in Chapter II-1 and II-2 of SOLAS.

To implement the latest requirements of SOLAS adopted by the IMO, the following subsidiary regulations have been made under the Merchant Shipping (Safety) Ordinance (Cap.369):


ILO: reaching 100 MLC, 2006 ratifications


Amended on three occasions since its entry into force in 2013 in order to keep up with the needs of the shipping sector, the MLC Convention has now been ratified by 90 member States representing more than 91% of the world merchant shipping fleet.

The MLC, 2006 consolidates almost all previous maritime instruments adopted throughout the century. It incorporates the international experience in regulating decent living and working conditions for seafarers gained since 1920, when the 2nd session of...