Grounded bulk carrier off Falmouth Bay had no insurance

The UK MAIB issued an investigation report on the grounding of bulk carrier ‘Kuzma Minin’ in Falmouth Bay, in December 2018. The report highlights the unexpected pressures caused during salvage efforts due to the vessel’s lack of P&I insurance.

Although the movement towards the shore was quickly detected by the bridge watchkeeper, the actions taken to proceed to sea were interrupted by the anchor becoming fouled by a discarded length of anchor chain. As focus was turned to clearing the anchor,...

Canadian Shipping Route on Detroit River Closed for 30 Hours

The Detroit River’s Canadian shipping channel was closed on June 17, 2019, after the mooring ropes tying a ship carrying 25,000 tons of gravel to shore snapped, says an article published in WindsorStar.

What happened?

Three mooring lines holding the 730-foot Algoma Niagara’s bow to a dock in Sandwich Town snapped around 4 a.m., according to Steve Salmons, president and CEO of the Windsor Port Authority.

The river’s current swung the ship’s hull into the channel 90 degrees, while the stern’s...

Lessons learned: Towing wire failure in bad weather

In its latest Safety Digest for 2019, UK MAIB describes a case of a barge grounding due to failure of towing wire. With respect to this incident, UK MAIB advised that companies should therefore include a time frame for replacement of the towing wire eye hard socket within their operating procedures.

The incident

A 25m tug was towing a large unmanned semi-floating drill barge in the Baltic Sea.

Owing to deteriorating weather conditions, the tug’s master decided to anchor the tug overnight in a...

NTSB: Barge’s anchor damaging underwater pipelines

The US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) issued an investigation report on the anchor contact of the Articulated Tug and Barge ‘Clyde S VanEnkevort/ Erie Trader’ with underwater pipelines which resulted in an oil spill and significant damage.

The incident

At 1732 local time on 1 April 2018, the articulated tug and barge (ATB) Clyde S VanEnkevort/ Erie Trader was westbound with a crew of 14 in the Straits of Mackinac, Michigan, when the barge’s starboard anchor, which had unknowingly...

Oil tanker detained in Malaysia due to lack of anchoring permit

The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency detained the crude oil tanker ‘MT Saiq’ over lack of anchoring permit, on May 21. The vessel was anchored off Pulau Jarak since May 16, and failed to submit a permit to anchor.

As local media informed, MT Saiq was anchored south of Pulau Jarak, when it detained by the Marine Department of Perak, on 21 May.



Namely, following an inspection, the vessel was anchored at the spot since May 16. The reason it was detained is...

Harvest Caroline: A case study on improper safety management

Implementing a proper safety management is a key condition for complying with the ISM Code, the sacred guide of shipping safety globally. Several maritime casualties have been attributed to ISM-associated issues. SAFETY4SEA chose to focus today on the grounding of the general cargo ship ‘Harvest Caroline’ which constitutes an interesting case study of how inconsistent implementation of ISM can lead to unpleasant situations.

Accident details: At a glance

  • Type of accident: Dragging anchor and...

MPA Singapore alerts on sea survey off raffles reserved anchorage

MPA Singapore issued an alert concerning vessels’ sailing through specific working areas at the port of Singapore. Specifically, the port marine notice focuses on mariners that are to operate off raffles reserved anchorage that they should be careful when sailing through the working area.

Specifically, the working hours will be from 0800 hours to 1800 hours daily on weekdays only.

Underwater surveys will be conducted to establish the current profiles and wave heights in the working area. A safety...

Two vessels collide due to lack of anchor manoeuvrability

Japan Transport Safety Board published an accident investigation concerning a cargo ship that was un-manoeuvrable due to lack of handling its anchor. By having only one anchor, the vessel drifted in the current and collided with a bulk carrier, resulting to both vessels having damages. Yet, there were no injuries reported.

The Incident 

The cargo ship Asian Beauty, while it was anchored with a single anchor, dragged anchor. Although the anchor was heaved up and released again, the vessel could...

MPA Singapore on prohibited anchorage

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore has published Port Marine Circular (PMC) No. 06 of 2019 to inform ship masters, owners, and agents of vessels of the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Port Limits – Suspension) Notification 2019 that came into operation on 08 April 2019 at 0001hours.

Specifically, MPA alerts ship masters, owners and agents of vessels operating in Singapore port waters that anchoring in all areas outside the designated anchorages is strictly prohibited.


Watch: Installing Storm Mooring System to an LNG FSU

Malta has traditionally been dependent on diesel and heavy fuel oil for its power generation. However, these facilities no longer comply with current European environmental legislation and are inefficient and expensive. To address all of these issues, ElectroGas Malta Consortium (EGM) developed a liquid-natural-gas-to-power project.

This project is considered a significant contribution to Malta’s future energy strategy. It consists of the construction of a new 205MW Siemens combined cycle gas...

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