History’s Six Most Wisest Female Greek Philosophers

Credits: Birmingham Museums Trust/ Unsplash
  • Women also shaped the development of philosophy. Although their writings did not survive, their verbal teaching made a significant impact on their contemporaries.
  • Aspasia of Miletus (most active around 400 BC) was the most famous female philosopher in Classical Athens.
  • Recalling the wisdom of ancient women both expands our view of history and reminds us of the gendered elements of modern complex thought.

When we think about ancient Greek philosophers...


Did Our Ancestors Like Grilled Fish Or Baked ?

Credit: Wikipedia
  • Early human ancestors living 780,000 years ago liked their fish well done.
  • Israeli researchers have made the revelation.
  • Exactly when our ancestors started cooking has been a matter of controversy.

The birth of the culinary arts marks an important turning point in human history because, by making food easier to chew and digest, it is believed to have greatly contributed to our eventual expansion across the world.

Previous Evidences

Previously, the first “definitive evidence” of...


Prehistoric ‘Swiss Army knife’ Reveals Key To Early Human Survival

The presence of ancient multi-tools in southern Africa may suggest that communication between ancient humans spanned long distances, according to a study published in Scientific Reports. But ancient humans weren’t only talking to each other, the research found, they were also sharing knowledge that may have aided in the overall survival of the human race.

The Prehistoric Blade Reeks Of Connection

The Howiesons Poort blade is known as the “stone Swiss Army knife” of prehistory because it is an...


Climate Change led to Fall of Ancient Civilization

  • Climate change likely caused the rise and fall of an ancient civilization.
  • A new technique is developed & showed how shifting monsoon patterns led to the demise of the Indus Valley Civilization.
  • Paleoclimate time series poses many problems that make it challenging to analyze them with mathematical tools.
  • A major shift in monsoon patterns just before the dawn of this civilization.

According to the Rochester Institute of Technology, the New mathematical method shows how climate change led to the...


Researchers Find Interbreeding Between Humans and Neanderthals

  • A new analysis of the genomes of the most famous of ancient humans Neanderthals and Denisovans has revealed an as-yet-unidentified ancestor for our species.
  • It is a branch of our distant family tree without any known label to put to it.
  • The study also finds further evidence of interbreeding between humans and Neanderthals, some 200,000 to 300,000 years ago.
  • This interbreeding would therefore add new insight into the increasingly complicated history of our emergence as a species , and of our...
