Τζακ Μα: Πέταξε πολύ κοντά στον…κινεζικό δράκο και έχασε την μισή του περιουσία

Η περιουσία του Τζακ Μα εκτιμάται ότι αξίζει λιγότερο από το μισό από ό,τι ήταν μόλις πριν από τρία χρόνια.
Ο πλούτος του μεγιστάνα των επιχειρήσεων μειώθηκε κατά 4,1 δισ.…

Τζακ Μα: Πέταξε πολύ κοντά στον…κινεζικό δράκο και έχασε την μισή του περιουσίαΗ ΝΑΥΤΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗ


Τζακ Μα: Η σύγκρουση με το Πεκίνο του έχει στοιχίσει 850 δισ. δολάρια

Καθώς η σύγκρουση του Τζακ Μα με την κινεζική κυβέρνηση πλησιάζει στο τέλος της μετά από σχεδόν τρία χρόνια, είναι σαφές πόσο δαπανηρή έχει αποδειχθεί η σύγκρουση για τις εταιρείες…

Τζακ Μα: Η σύγκρουση με το Πεκίνο του έχει στοιχίσει 850 δισ. δολάριαΗ ΝΑΥΤΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗ


Ο Τζακ Μα παραχωρεί τον έλεγχο της Ant Group

Ο δισεκατομμυριούχος ιδρυτής των Alibaba και Ant Group υποκύπτει τελικά στην πίεση του Πεκίνου, που προσπαθεί να περιορίσει την επιρροή των τεχνολογικών κολοσσών της χώρας. Ο Τζακ Μα αποφάσισε να…

Ο Τζακ Μα παραχωρεί τον έλεγχο της Ant GroupΗ ΝΑΥΤΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗ


Billionaire Jack Ma Disappears Post China’s Crackdown of Alibaba

  • The Chinese billionaire Jack Ma is thought to be missing.
  • The Alibaba and Ant Group founder has not been seen publicly in more than two months, and he was abruptly replaced as a judge on the African talent show he founded.
  • Chinese regulators have recently cracked down on Ma’s business empire, halting Ant Group’s initial public offering in November and launching an antitrust investigation.
  • In October, Ma criticized China’s banking rules.
  • Ma, who has a net worth of $50.6 billion, was China’s...


$11b in 2 Months: That’s How Jack Ma’s Wealth Plunges After Scrutiny!

  • Increased scrutiny on Alibaba has hit other tech giants.
  • China’s internet moguls are still $187 billion richer in 2020.
  • Ma was poised to regain the title of Asia’s wealthiest person when the probe struck.

Jack Ma’s net worth has tumbled by almost US$11 billion since the end of October as China stepped up scrutiny of his empire and the country’s tech behemoths, reports Bloomberg.

Plunge in wealth following restrictions

The Alibaba co-founder had reached a peak of US$61.7 billion this year and was...


Reasons For Ant Group suspended

  • A sudden, severe reduction in the intrinsic value of Ant’s business rendered the offering non-viable.
  • The de-valuation was not the result of a traditional business set-back.
  • It arose from a regulatory change that effectively re-categorized the company as a Bank.

What happened to Ant this month is looking more like an amputation says George Calhoun in an article published in Forbes.

What is Ant Group?

In June of this year, the company then known as Ant Financial Services changed its name, and...


China Pulls Brakes on Ant Group’s $37Billion IPO

  • Ant Group’s US$37 billion listing has been suspended in both Shanghai and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) two days before what was set to be the world’s largest-ever stock market debut.
  • The Shanghai stock exchange first announced that it had suspended Ant’s initial public offering on its STAR market, prompting Ant to also freeze the HKSAR leg of the dual listing.
  • Ant said that its listing had been suspended by Shanghai following a recent interview regulators held with its...


Blockchain tech the foundation for SIPG and Ant smart ports JV

Shanghai International Port Group (SIPG) and Alibaba’s finance offshoot Ant Group have signed an agreement to develop smart ports.

Both groups have agreed to build a blockchain-based port and shipping ecosystem, tapping on digital financial services. Specifically, SIPG, which operates all public container terminals in Shanghai, will provide a platform that supports collaboration between the upstream and downstream supply chain. The interconnection of the port and shipping network will jointly...
