Operators file EC complaint over clause that only dockers can lash boxes

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) attempts to force ships to use dockers for container lashing, which violates EU competition law, claims a Benelux law firm.
AKD, representing six European shortsea and feeder ship operators, has filed an official complaint to the European Commission.
Via the law firm, the operators have called on the EC’s competition commission to launch an official investigation into the ITF and affiliated Dutch union FNV Bondgnoten and …

The post Operators...


Opponents rally at news that EC consortia BER could be re-evaluated next year

Opponents of the EC’s recent decision to allow the liner shipping industry to continue to enjoy its exemption from antitrust consortia regulation until 2024, will not have to wait long to again voice their opposition.
In response to question from German MEP Tiemo Wolken, competition commissioner Margrethe Vestager (pictured above) defended the decision to renew the Block Exemption Regulation (BER), but revealed that stakeholder comments could be sought as early as …

The post Opponents rally at...


Carriers apply for emergency anti-trust exemption on US-Caribbean trades

Three of the largest US container shipping carriers have applied to the Federal Maritime Commission for emergency permission to cooperate on trades between the US and the Caribbean.
According to a report by Alphaliner today, Crowley Liner Services, Seaboard Marine and King Ocean have filed an Emergency Cooperative Working Agreement with the FMC that would allow them “partial” anti-trust immunity on trades between the US east and Gulf coasts and the …

The post Carriers apply for emergency...


EC grants liner shipping another four years of consortia exemption

The European Commission has extended the liner shipping industry’s exemption from its antitrust consortia regulation, which will allow container lines to continue the deepsea alliance structure.
Despite repeated calls from liner industry customers and suppliers for the EC’s competition commission to review container carriers’ protection via the Block Exemption Regulation (BER), in place since Europe outlawed the conference system, the commission today decided it would be extended to 25 April...


EC set to extend liner shipping consortia exemption for four years

The European Commission has indicated it is set to extend liner shipping’s consortia exemption from its antitrust regulations.
The Block Exemption Regulation (BER) container shipping lines have enjoyed since April 2014 was set to expire next April, and in the run-up to the deadline, the EC has been holding consultations with industry stakeholders.
In draft regulation paper published yesterday, the EC proposes extending the EU Consortia Block Exemption Regulation until 25 April …

The post EC set...


Shippers should be ‘careful what they wish for’ on block exemption regulations

Shippers should think twice about lobbying the EU to lift the block exemption regulation (BER) for liner shipping, it was claimed yesterday.
Wading into the recent war of words between shippers and carriers, speakers at the TOC Asia Container Supply Chain conference in Singapore suggested removing the BER would yield no benefit to cargo owners.
“There was a lot of heated discussions at the recent OECD meeting in Paris,” revealed Sea-Intelligence chief …

The post Shippers should be ‘careful what...


Shippers’ council slams block exemption rule and calls for liner consortia reform

As the European Commission continues its review of the liner shipping’s Block Exemption Regulation (BER), which allows container carriers to work in consortia, cargo owner lobby group the European Shippers Council (ESC) has called for the law to be repealed – or at least fundamentally altered.
The BER, which became the de facto legislation covering liner alliances – allowing carriers to share operational data – after the EU outlawed the liner …

The post Shippers’ council slams block exemption...


World Shipping Council tells EC: ‘Ignore flawed ITF report on BER’

In what is rapidly becoming an escalating war of words, liner lobby group the World Shipping Council (WSC) has slammed the recent International Transport Forum (ITF) report on the EU block exemption regulation (BER)
According to the report, a number of consortia operating in trades to and from Europe exceed the 30% market share threshold stipulated in the BER.
The BER is set to expire in April 2020 and the EC is …

The post World Shipping Council tells EC: ‘Ignore flawed ITF report on BER’...


Carriers and ports and shippers lock horns as EC reviews liner block exemption

The European Commission’s competition directorate has questioned whether the liner consortia block exemption regulation (BER) is the right tool to regulate the liner shipping industry in Europe.
Yesterday at the European Shippers’ Council Maritime Day in Rotterdam, director general for competition Itai Rabinovici said the EC was considering amending and extending the BER.
“But we must also consider whether the block exemption is the right statuary instrument to achieve what the industry …



Opposing sides step up war of words over liner block exemption regulation

As European lawmakers continue to assess whether to extend liner shipping’s block exemption from its consortia legislation, both proponents and opponents of the regulation have released new research to boost their case.
The current block exemption regulation (BER) allows carriers to operate as consortia in trades serving the EU, and was introduced when the EC banned the liner conference system. It is set to expire on 25 April 2020.
Liner lobbying organisation …

The post Opposing sides step up...
