Convoy, J.B. Hunt and Uber Freight call for standardized scheduling API

As FreightTech companies remedy fragmented industry processes, leaders in the space have found that while they are fighting for the same cause, lack of trading data standardization among supply chain participants is undermining their efforts.

One of these fragmented processes is transportation appointment scheduling. 

According to Dan Lewis, co-founder and CEO of digital freight platform Convoy, “Scheduling appointments at facilities is one of the most common activities in trucking, but it is...

API vs. RPA — what’s the difference?

By Omar Singh, president and founder, Surge Transportation

Do you remember studying something in school and asking yourself or your teacher, “When am I ever going to use this?” Well I asked that once of a professor when talking about a calculus class. He explained that we were not studying calculus because we were going to use it in whatever jobs we ended up having. We were studying it to learn how to solve complex, multistep problems: “I know you are not going to use the quadratic equation in...

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