Navy Used 16-Year-Old Law Made to Boost Army Recruiting to Raise Enlistment Age for Sailors

Recruits with the 64th Annual Recruit Cardinal Division stand at attention during a pass-in-review graduation ceremony inside Midway Ceremonial Drill Hall at Recruit Training Command, Nov. 4, 2022. US Navy Photo

The Navy will now allow men and women up to age 41 to enlist in the service, a new change in policy for which it has the Army to thank.

Under the change, made by Navy Recruiting Command this month, the new maximum age for Navy recruits is 41, as long as the person enlisting can report to...

CNP Nowell: Navy Short More Than 5,000 Sailors for At-Sea Billets

Ensign Sofia Bliek, from Vernon, Conn., on Feb. 6, 2022. US Navy Photo

The Navy has 5,000 to 6,000 gaps for sailors at-sea billets, the service’s senior personnel officer told a House panel on Tuesday.

The Navy currently has 145,000 billets at sea, Chief of Naval Personnel Vice Adm. John Nowell said during a House Armed Services subcommittee on military personnel hearing. Following the fatal collisions of 2017, the Navy added 23,800 sea billets in an effort to buttress manning on surface ships....

GAO Report on the Defense Department and Intellectual Property

The following is the November Government Accountability Office report, DOD Should Take Additional Actions to Improve How It
Approaches Intellectual Property.

From the report

Why This Matters

The Department of Defense (DOD) acquires and licenses intellectual property (IP)—such as computer software and technical data—for its cutting-edge weapon systems. Yet, DOD often does not acquire the IP it needs to operate and maintain those systems, which can lead to surging costs later. In 2019, DOD assigned...

Tanker pilot dies in crash while fighting Colorado wildfire

Photo of the Kruger Rock wildfire near Estes Park, Colorado, Nov. 16, 2021.

An air tanker pilot died in a crash Tuesday evening while attempting to extinguish the Kruger Rock wildfire in northern Colorado.

The pilot has been identified as Marc Thor Olson, according to CO Fire Aviation Inc., the company that owned the aircraft.

Related: What does ‘containing a wildfire’ actually mean?

“The CO Fire Aviation family is deeply saddened by the sudden, tragic loss of one of our brothers serving as a tanker pilot,” officials said in a statement on Facebook.

CO Fire Aviation also...

New Counter-Drone Strategy Calls for ‘Holistic’ Approach Across Services

A U.S. Marine assigned to Special Purpose Marine-Air Ground Task Force – Crisis Response – Central Command, operates a Battelle Drone Defender V2 during counter unmanned aircraft systems (C-UAS) training at the Baghdad Embassy Compound in Iraq, Oct. 9, 2020. US Marine Corps Photo

The Defense Department must employ an all-encompassing agency-wide approach to its strategy for buying and using small drones to combat future threats, according to a new Pentagon document.

The Pentagon’s Counter-Small...

Blast from the past: Virginia Guard takes artillery afloat

Virginia National Guard soldiers fire a 105-mm howitzer from a LCM landing craft at Camp Lejuene, N.C. National Guard photo/ Mike Vrabel

Virginia National Guard soldiers undertook an unusual amphibious live-fire exercise last week when their unit conducted its first floating artillery mission since World War II.

Virginia National Guard soldiers conduct waterborne artillery live fire exercises during Operation GATOR April 24-25, 2019, at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. National Guard photo/Mike Vrabel

The 1st Battalion of the 11th Field Artillery Regiment, based at Norfolk, Va., took their 105-mm M119 howitzers south to the Marine...