Energy-Starved EU, Paves Way For Demand Surge

  • Chinese shipbuilders are working towards supplying natural gas to Europe as it is working towards storing it.
  • Europe is the third largest consumer of LNG and heavily relies on the imports that arrive via LNG carriers and pipelines.
  • The new LNG vessels will include advanced technology, equipment and standards.

China’s shipbuilders, accounting for about a 50-percent global market share, are working around the clock to provide much-needed liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers, driven by booming...

Spot rates to Europe continue to provide seasonal bonuses for carriers

Container spot rates from Asia to North Europe are now 130% higher than at the start of the year, after a further spike this week.
Today’s Shanghai Containerized Freight Index (SCFI) recorded a 13.5% increase in its North Europe spot rate, to $2,374 per teu – however, in practice, market rates are considerably higher.
The SCFI Asia-Mediterranean component increased by $165, to $2,384 per teu.
One Shanghai-based NVOCC told The Loadstar several carriers were …

The post Spot rates to Europe...

‘Opportunist’ charters like DSV’s will help boost embattled MPV market

The acute shortage of open cellular containerships has helped to boost the embattled multipurpose vessel  (MPV) charter market.
Ocean carriers, feeder operators and now major forwarders, looking to mitigate the impact of a dearth of available containerships and a capacity crunch, are in the market to charter “container-friendly” MPVs.
The Loadstar reported yesterday on DSV’s “extraordinary” move to independently charter three MPV vessels of some 19-28,000 dwt, capable of carrying up to …


Container shortages the biggest disrupter: where are all the empty boxes?

Some container vessels have been sailing from Asia to Europe under-utilised in recent weeks due to an acute shortage of empty boxes.
A carrier source told The Loadstar: “We have had to sail light a few times recently as there are just not enough boxes at depots [in China] to meet the demand.”
All carriers report severe shortages of the popular 40ft high-cubes (HCs) at their depots, and there has also been a run …

The post Container shortages the biggest disrupter: where are all the empty boxes?...

Asia-Europe carriers struggle, but transpacific could see new front-loading boost 

Asia-North Europe carriers continue to discount rates to fill their ships, suggesting that the usual pre-peak season recovery will be late, if it happens at all this year. 
CMA CGM has slashed its headhaul FAK rate on the tradelane by $200 from 16 June, to $1,700 per 40ft as spot rates continue to slide. 
The North Europe component of the Shanghai Containerized Freight Index (SCFI) declined a further 4.4% this week, to $745 per teu, and spot rates on …

The post Asia-Europe carriers struggle, but...

Opposing sides step up war of words over liner block exemption regulation

As European lawmakers continue to assess whether to extend liner shipping’s block exemption from its consortia legislation, both proponents and opponents of the regulation have released new research to boost their case.
The current block exemption regulation (BER) allows carriers to operate as consortia in trades serving the EU, and was introduced when the EC banned the liner conference system. It is set to expire on 25 April 2020.
Liner lobbying organisation …

The post Opposing sides step up...

Asia-Europe carriers must ‘think outside the box’ to counter impact of new tonnage

High capacity and low demand will leave ocean carriers on Asia-North Europe routes in a tight spot, with analysts suggesting even mild growth would seem a major victory.
Drewry said that, with demand remaining low, carriers were likely set to face the same challenges as last year, in absorbing new big ships into the trade.
“The average size of containership deployed increased by approximately 6% from the start to end of 2018, …

The post Asia-Europe carriers must ‘think outside the box’ to...

Carriers aiming to hang on to spot rate gains as Year of the Pig trots in

Container spot rates on the two major tradelanes, Asia to the US and Asia to Europe, are showing some signs of softening, just over a week before the Chinese New Year holiday starts on 5 February.
Today’s Shanghai Containerized Freight Index (SCFI) recorded a 1% fall in rates to North Europe, to $960 per teu, and a 2.1% fall for rates to Mediterranean ports, to $957 per teu.
Headhaul liftings on the …

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