Cancelled sailings out of India causing rollovers and bookings logjam

Container trades out of India are faced with increasing congestion, due to a combination of blanked sailings, equipment shortages and carriers unable to clear a backlog of bookings.
According to forwarding sources in the country, every carrier is facing a “space crunch across India on all tradelanes and services”.
Sources added that this was largely due to blanked sailings on almost every tradelane, container shut-outs and rollovers “on every vessel”, an ever-lengthening …

The post Cancelled...

More blanked voyages certain on transpacific and east-west trades

South Korean carrier HMM’s latest ULCV, the HMM Algeciras, which at 23,964 teu is the world’s largest boxship, made its maiden call at Hamburg yesterday, exchanging some 13,600 teu in a single call.
The fate of the vessel remains unclear however, as it has been deployed on THE Alliance’s Asian-North Europe FE4 service, which is shortly to be merged with the FE2 string; alliance members rationalising capacity in the wake of …

The post More blanked voyages certain on transpacific and east-west...