Container freight rates still on the up – a peak season after all?

The Shanghai Containerized Freight Index (SCFI) comprehensive index continued its positive run this week, rising 5.4% to 1,055.13 as the major tradelanes all registered gains.
The Asia-US west coast component of the SCFI recorded another 8.5% jump in container spot rates, to $2,920 per 40ft, while rates to the US east coast increased by 4.7% to $3,459 per 40ft.
Rates for the US west coast are now some 70% higher than a …

The post Container freight rates still on the up – a peak season after all?

May Day could be a cry for help from carriers, as another holiday looms

The five-day May Day holiday shutdown in China is adding to capacity adjustment problems for ocean carriers.
Notwithstanding the 20% of headhaul Asia-North Europe sailings already cancelled next month, carriers are still struggling to best match supply with ever-weakening demand and to avoid the ‘nightmare’ scenario of half-full 20,000 teu ULCVs arriving in North European hub ports in June and July.
A carrier source told The Loadstar last week their biggest fear …

The post May Day could be a cry...

Steady as she goes for Asia-east coast South America container trade rates

Asia to east coast South America (ECSA) ocean carriers have had more success driving freight rate gains than those on other routes, according to the latest Drewry analysis.
It says the Asia-ECSA trade operates with just four weekly services on a “streamlined” set-up that allows carriers to respond promptly to swings in supply and demand, thus stabilising rates.
The consultant’s review of the trade comes after The Loadstar reported last week the …

The post Steady as she goes for Asia-east coast...

OOCL introduces new Asia–South America East Coast and Caribbean direct services

OOCL is pleased to announce two new services, namely the Transpacific Latin Atlantic 2 (TLA2) and Transpacific Latin Caribbean 1 (TLC1), beginning in June 2019. Our new products will provide customers with competitive and reliable services from Asia to South America East Coast and the Caribbean with direct calls to strategic ports such as Santos, Navegantes (Brazil), Manzanillo (Mexico), Cartagena (Colombia), Kingston (Jamaica) and Caucedo (Dominican Republic).

The post OOCL introduces new...

Economic double-whammy and softening demand add to pressure on box carriers

A slowdown in European economies and fallout from US-China trade war has upped the risk factor for ocean carriers this year, according to the latest analysis by research and consultancy firm Maritime Strategies International (MSI).
The consultant says there could also be softer demand on secondary lanes this year, which will add to the industry’s woes.
In its latest Container Shipping Forecaster, MSI says that, while demand on the major trades “remains …

The post Economic double-whammy and...

Container shipping alliances now planning to set course for Latin America trades

The major deepsea alliances could begin to extend their joint service network to secondary north-south trades, such as those serving Latin America, as they look to squeeze more efficiency from their cooperation agreements.
Michael Kristiansen, owner of consultancy CK Americas, told delegates at this week’s TOC America Container Supply Chain event in Panama: “I think the global alliances are coming – whether it is little by little or very fast, I …

The post Container shipping alliances now...