It’s not SpaceWaves, but an astronaut is back!

Terry Virts

Blast off (again) with a former astronaut and ISS commander

Dooner and The Dude host astronaut Terry Virts

Astronaut Terry Virts talks to Dooner and The Dude during the North American Supply Chain Summit.

We found out how excited Dooner and The Dude got when talking to astronauts during our SpaceWaves live event, and they had the opportunity to welcome another NASA great to the FreightWaves desk.

Terry Virts spent 213 days in space as commander of the International Space Station and has just...

SpaceWaves: Seven trips out of the atmosphere (with video)

Franklin Chang-Diaz cover

Dooner and The Dude discuss going to the stars with Franklin Chang-Diaz

How sustainability and democracy will be essential for commercial space expansion.

Many people dream of going to space once in their lives, but Franklin Chang-Diaz has left Earth’s surface seven times in his career as an astronaut. 

He answered some questions from a very curious Dooner about what it’s like to have the privilege of leaving the atmosphere. 

“Being in space is a total sense of liberation of things that we are...